18 [ WHY? ]

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The four teens are now standing in front of Jiyoung inside her office, luckily no one dared to make a comment about them using their awakened abilities

Only us 😉 but we ain't no snitch

"So you wanted to spar with each other?” Jiyoung asked as she eyed the two teens

"Sorry Jiyoung. I snuck out of Union, i can't test him there” answered Subin as she avoided eye contact

Jiyoung sighed as she watched Inhyuk from the corner of her eyes, then suddenly, Jisuk came in barging

Typical Jisuk 🙄

Fast forward to Jiwoo and Wooin

Wooin went ahead to prepare for the fight with Jiwoo tagging along, while winter, on the other hand went to take a call

Few minutes later the spar is starting, with Wooin and Subin fighting while Jiwoo, Winter, Jisuk, Jiyoung, Inhyuk and Seongha as spectators/referee

' It always go with the flow even if I try to change it many times ' thought Winter


They're bickering just like in the manhwa, nothing changes even if you try to change it many times, fate would always have a plan

No one can beat FATE

Unless you become FATE itself

You could delay one's death but you can never stop it

You could rescue someone but it'll always come back

And it's much more WORSE

But if you've been living with FATE it'll become much more easier to see loopholes

If you've been reincarnating and God forbid you to forget those horrible pasts then you'll very much get used to it and even learn how to cope and even play with them


Yeah right, we choose OUR own FATE


"Hey, I've been calling you for a while now....” the person in front of him..... Who?

Ah yes, that's right he's in Shinwa to help and observe their fight

Then..... Who's this guy?

Wait.... White hair, annoying yet handsome face, an orange fat cat on his head.... How does he do that? Isn't the cat too heavy?

Wait, that's not the problem here, who is he......?


Click? What's that noise? Why does my head hurts so much?


There it goes again


......... Shut up

*Gears turning*

Shut it


Shut up


Shut.... Up.....


"......-re you okay?” ask the voice

"........ Wi-....... ter?” what?


"Winter! Are you okay?” ask Jiwoo while shaking him back and fort

"I... I'm fine, just- just thinking about something” he answered sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck

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