8 [ SICK ]

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After the fight with jisuk, Winter overused his awakened abilities and was now in bed rest for a day

On the other hand Kayden has been training Jiwoo for the upcoming fight, Winter of course even though he is bedridden, he never forgets about his Force control

It has been a while since he became this sick, when he was young he still remembers how he is always in bed, he was never allowed to play outside

But there was one time he did and that led horribly wrong, a few minutes of playing outside almost lead to his death

It made him shiver at the thought of him dying, although he already experienced it before it is still scary to die in a horrible pain

A ring snapped him back to reality, he really can't stand up right now nor can he even lift his finger, he's letting his body heal itself first before using his Awakened powers

He also don't wanna shout for Leo to hear him, who's downstairs probably taking her afternoon nap, so he had no choice but to use a little bit of energy to gather water and answer it

"Winter” a cold monotone voice greeted him through the phone speaker

' Great.... It's grandma ' he thought, ready to hear yet another scolding from his grandmother

"Yess?“ he said, knowing what will come next

"I've heard you've fought with another Awakened person“ she said

"How'd you know?“ Winter asked

"I have my ways young man“ she answered still cold as hell

"You do know the consequences of your Awakened powers right?“ she asked

"....yes“ he answered looking at his past mistakes, but does he really regret it?


".....“ she stayed silent for a few seconds before continuing

"How is that person?“ she asked

"How is he in fighting or How is he?“ Winter asked

"Hmmm, yes both“ she hummed

"Well...“ Winter pondered about Jisuk's fighting skills

If Jisuk had known about Winter's Awakened abilities he might've had a chance to land a hit, not that he would've mind but he makes sure that he doesn't get scarred

Winter's number one dislikes is when an opponent tries to hit his face, well he may be a boy but he still likes to take care of his skin and health, being raised in a house almost full of women

Winter's childhood he is surrounded by women, after all his guardian is his grandmother, his grandmother's secretary is a woman and most of the people in their house is a woman (maids), only guards and instructor are men

His grandmother never really let anyone near him for safety purposes, and Winter won't really get near anyone other than his grandmother and his grandmother's secretary

"Well... He's okay and by that i meant he's pretty good, i guess?“ after pondering for a good minute, he finally got a word to describe Jisuk

"You guess?“ his grandmother asked

"Well I've only seen him fight, we haven't had a chance to fight properly“ he said, his grandmother bummed in response

"So what you're saying is that he wasn't able to attack?“ she asked again

' Is she worried about me or is she just asking about the fight? ' Winter thought

"Yes, i attacked him before he could do anything... Now that i think about it“ he muttered to himself

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