17 [ PROBLEM ]

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After the fight with Klein brothers, Jisuk's trauma and the scolding they got from Inhyuk, the three teens are now recuperating from all of the injuries they sustained

Three days have already passed and a day after Jisuk went back to reality

How did that happen? Well after the incident regarding Kayden or Nitrate, we all know that he got slapped and got his thick head cracked

He was in another world for a few days after he awoke from his slumber, he would stare in nothingness and would mumble incoherent words which made everyone worried

Thankfully the test results show no signs of serious injury on his head or brain, Jesu- i mean Doc said that it might've been because of trauma fighting the criminals and almost dying

But Winter and the readers knows 😏

Although of course we won't tell anyone 😜

The time seems to pass by in an instant as they are now walking back to school, Jiwoo and Winter meeting up deciding to feed the stray cats, then there was Wooin who was also feeding the cats, next was Jisuk who was giving some treats to the fat cats while cackling evilly

"Hey Jisuk~ whatcha doing?" asked Winter as he slid through his friends and up to Jisuk who stiffened at the voice

Winter's tone is full of malice and the teasing continued until Jiwoo finally decided to speak up, he cleared his throat catching everyone's attention and spoke

"I think we should get going now, we'll be late" he said smiling at his friends constant bickering

They all shared glances and nodded but nonetheless, Jisuk and Winter didn't stop at their dog and cat fight

The day went great with Jiwoo, Wooin, and Winter going on their respective classroom leaving Jisuk behind

The class was actually boring to the white haired teen as he had already learned all of it in past life that he almost memorized what the teachers are saying since they all sometimes say a quote on a book

Everything happened just like what was in the manhwa, the scene where Kayden is taking a bath in Jiwoo's room and the meeting with the teacher

' Honestly Inhyuk has to stop saying that the guys where in a car accident ' thought Winter as he stands in front of the office door, waiting for his friends to come out

After the meeting with their Teacher, the group went on with their classes not caring about anything at all


The classes are done, the students are going home and the four group of boys are going to rest

' It should be around right this time ' thought Winter as he looked around the surroundings

"What's wrong with you?" ask Jisuk as he looked at his friend

"N-nothing" he stuttered as he was caught looking around

The day went on with peace and the four teens went on with their lives after separating

The next day nothing happened, the day after tomorrow too and the following days too, the week after that nothing also happened

' It's been 2 weeks now.... 2 WEEKS!! ' Winter thought as he paced back and forth of his room

"Did i change the story line!? Or perhaps something happened to her!?......" he kept on mumbling about the possiblity of him changing the story line

He kept pacing and mumbling not caring about anything for the meantime until a ring broke him out of his pace

He looked around and saw the time, he hurried downstairs and saw that Jiwoo and the gang are already outside waiting for him

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