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Hello Fam :)

I am sorry for the delay. I was writing for my other book and since my love for Sirius Black was overflowing, I was continuously writing for that one. But am I to be blamed for being smitten with Sirius Black? Because who doesn't? :P

Happy Reading...

The classes for the 1st year students were pretty regular with professors lazing around in the name of introductions and discussing the curriculum. Some of the seniors who saw them randomly informed them that their first week will be similar and the actual classes will start in the second week.

After the classes, Raina went to the library while the others left for their respective hostels. As Mahi had to go to the orphanage, he left for the parking to get his bike. When he was starting the bike, he felt someone's presence behind him and was surprised to find Sakshi standing there. "What are you doing here?", he asked.

"I am bored", said Sakshi. "Cheeka bean told me, you go to the orphanage to teach kids. So, I thought of accompanying you."

Mahi rolled his eyes. "There's a thing known as asking before you decide."

Sakshi battled her eyelashes. "Mahi, can I please visit the orphanage along with you, pretty please? And the answer should be yes as I won't take a no."

"Why do you even want to go there?", he asked, because who would be excited to go to an orphanage? Especially someone like her.

The girl tugged his hand. "Please, Mahi. You have completely used your quota of asking questions. Now, just start the bike. We are getting late."

"As if you know when to reach the place?", he muttered.

She didn't say anything but as Mahi started the bike, he saw a smile on her face as she looked at him in the mirror. When she didn't say anything even after fifteen minutes, Mahi glanced into the mirror before concentrating on the road. "I never knew that even you could be silent."

"I am just looking around the city. Mumbai is a beautiful place, right?"

Mahi smiled. "I am in love with this place. This city has a place for anyone and everyone. And it accepts you with open arms." It had accepted him too. He didn't know where he was from, what happened to his parents and why he was left here but as far as he remembered, he loved the city. No one looks at you twice because everyone is busy in their own world. No one gives a damn if you are rich, poor, happy, or sad. Once you are walking on the streets, you are all the same.

"I couldn't agree more", she said. "I am already in love with the city so much that I can settle here out of all places of the world."

Mahi shook his head. "And again, this is so big thing to think and you made the decision so easily." And it took him years to fall in love with the city.

"Live in places where your heart takes you and where it's happy. It's easier that way."

Mahi chuckled. "Would it be an exaggeration if I call you the female SRK?"

"You mean the closest example of SRK's fangirl you have ever met?", she teased.

Mahi shook his head, smiling. This girl was something completely different than anyone he had ever met.


As Mahi parked his bike, he saw Sakshi looking around and found her grinning. This place brings that out of people. There were huge trees all over the place. If not the greenery, there was a fountain at the front in front of the statue of Mother Teresa, the epitome of selfless love. This has been his home all his life. "Shall we go in?", he asked.

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