2nd Chapter - Spending Time

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    "Hmm~ Hmm~ Agent 003~ Hey Assistant, can you search for someone named Vestia Zeta?" It was Y/n on his secret base. He lived there with someone he trust so much and it is an old man.

    "Vestia Zeta? Hm~~" The old man searches for that on his computer. He is one of the genius hackers. People used to call him before as "The Chameleon" because he never get caught as a hacker, he even hacked the government data and changed his identity several times. There was one time he almost got caught, but Y/n helped him, and now both of them are the most wanted people in the country.

    "She is a secret agent from the county. She also ranked in the top three of the organization"

     "Top Three? Aahhaha." Y/n laughed so hard that he almost fell from the chair he has been sitting on. "That cute and clumsy girl is top three? That is so funny"

     "What happened?"

     "Nah, it was just I met her a few days ago when I tried to steal money from the government safe."

     "Well, she is cute indeed. Did you fall in love with her? She is a secret agent, you should give up."

     "Old maaan~" He looked turned his chair and looked at the old man seriously, "Love was created to be fought over, just because she is an enemy I can't fall in love with her right? Love is an emotion you can't control, Old man."

     "Sigh, that is up to you. By the way, it was stated here that she has never been in a relationship"

    "WAHAHAH... Of course, of course. She is so clumsy after all." said, him. "Sigh. I want to meet her already~"

     "Then, why don't you try to do something again? The government should have brought her again, right?"

     "Stealing money again? Booorriiingg~ They are too easy, that i just wanted to go home as soon as possible."

     "Then, what about this?" Y/n came closer to the old man because he showed him something. Y/n smiled, 

     "I'll take this~"


     My name is Vestia Zeta and i am Secret Agent number 003. As a secret agent, I have already solved some cases in this country and also sometimes i become a spy to take some information for my boss. Even though of my clumsiness, I always finished all of my mission smoothly. That is why, a few days ago... I got the first feeling of loss for the first time. I never got humiliated so hard like that. Ugh, Stealth Thief! You will pay for it.

 Ugh, Stealth Thief! You will pay for it

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     "Vestia Zeta, Agent 003. Come to the base" there was suddenly an announcement from my bedroom speaker. That was my boss's voice.

     "Answer: Be right there!" 

     I quickly changed my clothes and then ran towards my meeting room. I entered the room and everyone was already there. There are top 10 Agents who always got invited to the meeting by the boss. 

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