chapter nine: ask you

Start from the beginning

"That's it for today, Mr.Potter and Mrs.Pott, I mean Odinson, please come to me I want to talk to you" professor McGonagall said, my face red at the name professor McGonagall was going to call me. I went to her with harry beside me.

"So potter you will have to dance with the champions the first dance" professor McGonagall said as Harry's eyes widened.

"What?!" Harry said "no no! Yes I can dance now but I won't dance in front of the whole school and other schools"

"You have too, you can take Odinson here, oh and Odinson, I have heard you can sing" professor McGonagall said looking at me.

"Y_yes I can" I said nervously.

"Well then, prepare yourself, you will sing a song in the ball and you are have an excuse to be absent by any class till you get the song ready" professor McGonagall said "oh and you have this room to prepare the song in it, good luck"

I was stunned with the responsibility I just got.

Me! And do I have to write the song? And who is going to play the music?

"Crystal?" I heard Harry snapping me out of my thoughts


"Are you okay?"

I shook my head as a no, be put an arm around my shoulder giving my a side hug.

"You will do okay" Harry said as we started walking "and I will help you"


"Yeah. How about meeting in this room after three hours?" Harry said smiling with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay" I said.

"Was I late?" I said smiling, my head peaking out of the door

"No, I just came anyway" Harry said waving his wand.

"What were you using your wand for?" I asked entering the room completely.

"Nothing I was just playing with it" Harry said shrugging.

"Oka-y?" I said not convinced but dropped the topic.

"So you got your guitar?" Harry asked as we sat on the floor.

"Yupe!'' I said showing it to him.

"And I got paper and pencils to write the song" Harry said taking out the paper and pencil. "Shall we start then?"

"Yeah" I said "so how about an exciting song"

"Great! Wait how about levitating?" Harry said "I love that song personally"

"Yeah! And you will sing the boys part" I said.

"No! I am not! I don't even know how to sing and even my voice is not good enough-"

"Hey! We sang together a lot and your voice was so good, so nothing is wrong with it" I said shrugging.




"Please! Please! Pretty please!"

"N-" but I cut him off my kissing him on the lips. "Fine"

"Yay!" I said smiling at him.

We practiced a bit on the song then went to bed.

"Why do they always walk in packs?" Ron said was me, Harry and Ron were sitting by a window. "Why do you always walk in packs crystal?"

"Hey I don't do that" I said then caught our attention some durmstrang students ask some girls of our school casually and without being shy, then they bowed and walked away. I smacked Harry and Ron's
heads then.

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