Chapter 11: Just two boys at prom: Part 2

Start from the beginning

I need to figure out what that devious human has been doing to me. All of these...ugh...FEELINGS are getting worse. I hoped following and observing him would have let him reveal what he had done to me. But either he has proven himself to be much more of a challenge to decipher or, worst of isn't HIM, that's causing these...NO! No, I shouldn't think such things. Of course, it's him! Who else would dare to infect the glorious Zim with these SQUISHY FEELINGS! He shall soon pay for his insolence. You know what? Next time I see him and his enormous head, I'm gonna finish what I started so long ago. Yes, that's right DIB! Next time you show your ugly face, I will-

The sound of the doorbell ringing sent Zim into a defense posture, holding the cup up in front of him like a shield. There he stood for a moment, waiting for something to happen next. Then there came a knock, which closely resembled that which Dib would use whenever he would come to pester Zim. When it became clear that there wasn't any immediate danger, Zim returned to his original position and started looking around the living room, with an investigating look.

"Has the Dib-thing planted a mind reader in my base again?" He asked himself, pretty convinced that the creature outside of his door must have been Dib. There wasn't anyone else who would come to visit him anyway.

The knocking continued, and with a disgruntled look, Zim went over to answer, if only to immediately tell Dib to buzz off. He stood while mechanical arms came down from the ceiling and placed his wig on top of his antennas, and the contacts in his eyes. When the procedure was done, and while still holding on to the mug, he used his other hand to open the door. The first thing he noticed was that the person at the door wasn't as tall as The Dib. And secondly, that it wasn't Dib at all.

"Oh, I thought you were a different human worm."

"Would you like to buy my girl scout cookies?!" The human asked, disregarding Zim's weird response to seeing her.

The voice belonged to a young girl scoat, in a bright green uniform, covered head to toe with badges ranging from 'how to tie knots all the way to 'how to do a heart transplant on a squirrel'. Zim first cringed at the sight of a human he didn't know, before looking out over the lawn, and returning his bewildered gaze to the girl scout.

"How did you get past my laser defense system?"

"They only cost seven dollars!" She continued, blatantly ignoring Zim's question, before pushing a green box into his face. It was then he noticed the cart that was parked behind her, completely packed with all kinds of different boxes filled with cookies. With a grunt, he pushed the box away from his face and turned his agitated attention towards her.

"Last time Zim was offered one of your boxes of cookies, it was only for FIVE MONIES! DO NOT TRY TO SWINDLE THE GENIUS ZIM!!!"

"But...It's for a good cause! We're going to use it to-"

"ICK! Then there is even LESS reason for Zim to give his precious monies to you! And also, your voice is annoying." Before she had time to protest, he slammed the door in her face. He turned around and walked away, with a satisfied look on his face.

"Now, where was I? Ah yes, planning the inevitable demise of THE DIB! My favorite subject of the day. Gir, prepare some snacks, I'm gonna need them while I'm planning new ways to cause, IMMEASURABLE, and UNENDING PAIN TOWARD-"

Zim was interrupted when there came another knock from the door, making him turn around frustrated. He then stamped on the floor all way back to the door, with the continuing sound of knocks from the door getting louder and louder. When he reached the door he violently swung it open.

"I already told you to go-OW!!!"

Before he had time to finish, he was hit right in the middle of his face by a small rock, leaving a small bruise at the place where skin and rock touched. He lost balance for a moment, swaying back and forth. He regained his balance only once he grabbed the side of the door, holding on to it for dear life. Once he stood still again, he let go and used the now free hand to rub the mark left behind by the rock. Before even looking at his attacker, he had already prepared a speech to yell at them.

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