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GATRIA and company decided to stay at the edge of the forest by Gatria's request. She wanted to investigate the barren land that her essence couldn't revive and also to see if the spirits dwelling in this once great forest were still around.

Forest dwellers spirits were beings that could use the Mistress of Nature's essence to care for the forest under their supervision. It was a lucrative partnership. The Mistress of Nature would provide them essence and protection for their continued survival in the forest where monsters that could see and eats spirits were rampant, in return, the spirits would watch over the forest they were living in since the Mistress of Nature couldn't possibly supervised them all.

It had been so long since I spoke to a forest dweller spirit, Gatria mused as she stood away from her companions who already set up camp near the edge of the forest. I pray that some survived after nearly two centuries.

She was planning to summon the forest dwellers spirit once she reached Belrac to speak to them, but after what she just witnessed, she couldn't wait that long.

Kneeling both knees on the forest's ground, she pressed her palm against the soil to feel the trees around her.

Unlike the trees at the entrance of the forest that Gatria 'spoke' to, the trees here were anxious and panicking because of the barren land. Gatria could feel their fear that it brought tears to her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she took out a knife from her ring storage and held it close to her palm. Unbeknownst to Gatria, all her companion's eyes were on her, watching her every movement and anticipating her next move. And before their eyes, Gatria cut her palm without even wincing and as it bled, she pressed it against the soil and whispered gently with her eyes solemnly close.

"Blood of Nádair, I implore of you to come into being,"  light green hue surrounded Gatria. "I call upon the forest dwellers spirits. I beseech thee to materialize before me."

As the last word left Gatria's lips, a soothing light presence appeared before her together with the sound of sobbing.

Gatria quickly opened her eyes and floating in front of her were two crying forest dwellers spirits surrounded by light green hue.

"Your Highness! It really is you! It's really Her Highness!"

"I thought we were just imagining things when we felt Her Highnesses' essence in the forest! It's really you, Your Highness! It's really you!"

"How are you two doing?" Gatria asked gently, but the spirits were still crying and sobbing heavily as they continuously bow their heads.

Healing her cut with her essence, Gatria raised her hands with palms up and let the forest spirits sit on her palm.

"Have you calm down now?" Gatria asked.

The forest spirit with the longest hair nodded and bowed. "We apologize for showing Her Highness' our tears, we were just so happy to be summoned by Her Highness again. We've been waiting for so long, Your Highness."

The short-haired spirit nodded. "Some already perished as the barren land spread far and wide, while some relocated, but we couldn't leave the great forest of Tazman. We promise Her Highness that we will take care of it, but the essence that you bestowed on us centuries ago has already been used while trying to fight the barren land. We couldn't keep the forest safe anymore."

Gatria shook her head. "It was my fault." Then she bowed her head to apologize. "I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me."

"Your Highness! Please raise your head!" The trembling voice of the long-haired spirit echoed in an attempt to stop the Mistress of Nature from bowing her head.

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