part 2

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My motivation left and I hope it comes back.

Moving here wasn't so bad I met a couple of old friends yeah it would have been great if this bum didn't barge in I turn my head at the blonde guy smirking he pulled a middle finger with his left arm and made a circle in his right arm he started pulling in and out his middle finger in the circle he created I shouted


TO GO I threw my blanket all over him I wasn't always this mean but growing up more the less I sympathize on jerks like him he suddenly standed and sat next to me I couldn't do anything since I owe him one for getting me out of my old part time job as a worker causing him to lost many things that includes the job as a worker we both kept our mouth shut and after quitting I hadn't much problem since the old boss will visit me time to time and have short conversation sometimes he won't talk and just leave but he wasn't troublesome unlike nomen I got tired from the stress and gave in to nomen I let him do whatever he wanted since opposing takes too much energy i layed my body on him while he continue chattering things I could only understand a few words since he keeps using Japanese.

I fell asleep without knowing it

Nomen pov:

While I chatted with my Daniel he fell asleep was my story boring I placed a kiss on his forehead I cant I believe is went this far just to help you but he was satisfied he never even went this far for neko he was patience with her and did his best to also be patience with Daniel but sometimes he just wanted to take Daniel by force his instinct is telling him that if he doesn't he'll never have the chance to have him.

I carefully added a clip to the bangs that have been bothering Daniel while sleeping I stared and wished every movement on earth stops I want Daniel to lay on my lap peacefully while I play with his hair a knock on the door appears I opened it and saw three girls they asked who I was and why I was in Daniel's place I snickerd and said I'm his lover they looked at me with disdain I feel a bit sad for them thinking I'm not worthy of Daniel I worked Daniel up and told him he's friends are waiting outside he quickly Jump out and went to greet them before letting him go further I took his hands and landed a soft kiss on neck I got hit but was it worth it some may ask and it was

Back to Daniel:
Daniel are you fine you Been spacing out I laughed and said I'm fine I should have kicked that bum (nomen is certainly not a bum he just got striped off as a worker)
"So Daniel how are you" joy asked I answered he fine they asked about my job and I said I'm retired they looked at me with wide mouth "Zoe clinged on me and said "Are you really a housewife now Danny!" huh wait eh!?!?! What no I'm not they looked at me cunfused how the hell did you even come up with that I don't even have a lover yet they looked dumfounded and pointed at the nomen who's hairs sticking out of the hall way crystal suddenly coughed attracting my attention she handed me her heels and pointed out nomen I stared at nomen and without hesitation I threw crystal's heel causing nomen to fall he looked backs t us and couldn't tell who did it because non of us are saying anything Zoe and joy started laughing and crystal couldn't hold her laughter and joined in I then went straight to nomen and said your my husband so you should hell cleaning up the mess I tilted his head at the uncleaned plate

You don't want youre Wife to get embarrassed right they told me how nice there lover's were and how they help out nome. Looked defeated and just cleaned the plates Daniel left to sit with his friends while Nomen smiling he thought being Daniels husband isn't bad at all for a punishment after Daniels friends left nomen lifted Daniel in a bridal style and threwed him on the mattress "my dear Wife my friends also told me how good there wife was whenever they did something they also get worthy rewards"
He grinned Daniel was shocked he then pulled Nomen's collar and whispered how about a punch that could be worthy for you Daniel kicked nomen off the mattress.

You should sleep outside starting today nomen refused and stayed whole day glued to Daniel after the quarrel Daniel can't help but soften up he came to nomen on his own and rested his chin on Nomen's collar bone Daniel felt ABIT sleepy and just huddled up to Nomen's body nomen lifted Daniels waist and placed him on the center since it was more comfortable like that Daniel didn't care and nomen was happy since the fight earlier was forgiven nomen notice the sun slowly disappear he carried Daniel back to the room and placed him there after finishing all the chores a buzz came out of nomen phone the sender was one of Nomen's people the text said some random group keep terrorizing his gang members he had no choice but to leave he looked back and forth between Daniel and his phone before leaving he worked up Daniel who's half asleep "I need work to do I'll be leaving for now"
Daniel didn't get it he was too sleepy so he nodded.

Nomen left and went to fix the problem he has while Daniel went back to sleep


Daniel woke up and vividly remembered nomen had worked to do so he didn't have to prepare much food since his the only one eating he prepared food for himself walked to the couch and sat he looked for the remote control he found it and grabbed and opened the TV he settled with the news while listening to it he accidentallay dropped his Spoon and decided to get a new one while his cleaning up his Spoon and picked out a different spoon

"sudden movements have been reported near South the investigators couldn't tell the victims faces for it was too ruined the only clue they had is the victim's tag the police was able to recognize it and was lucky to find the victims Identity"

"Bon hwa the son of a high ranking general, rumours spread out that bon hwa was a drug addict and messed up with the wrong group we can't tell anymore since the rest is still a mystery"

Daniel sat back down and changed the channel and continued eating

-"Samuel your finally back did you finish covering the tracks"

-"yes but it seems the work has reached global news"

-that won't be a problem if you do you're work right" yujin stared at Samuel finally broking the silent

"the investigation I made you do were you able to get any information"

-"yes daniel park he retired a month ago and rented a apartment room but a sudden situation chage his mind, he moved out and rented-"

Yujin took the paper's off Samuels hands.

"You're taking too long" he read the paper on he's own

-"I apologise"

"No need you can leave now"

Samuel left yujin the took out his chair and sat looking through the documents

"Daniel" yujin worded out for no reason.

ack! I bit my tongue is someone talking about me behind my back...


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