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The car door of the black limousine swung open. Bodyguards began to surround so the people pushing through couldn't get past. The paparazzi got louder, and cameras began to shutter. Anne Boonchuy, famous childhood actor--and current actor aswell--stepped out.

She began to walk through, not flinching to any camera flashing at her. She was used to it.

Even more bodyguards were surrounding a big white door. When Anne approached they opened it with a smile. "Thanks," She whispered to them.

Anne's POV

When I came inside, my mind went blank. This was the fanciest party I ever had been invited to. "Anne!" Marcy sneaked up behind me, making me jump a bit. "Oh- Marcy! Hey!" I turned around and we interlocked hands, jumping up and down. "Oh my gosh, isn't it crazy here? Oh my- Oh you should see the chocolate fountain! It's crazy!" "It is wild, dude. First step in and I feel so out of place..." "What do you mean? We've been to multiple parties," "Yeah but this one is way too fancy for me," "Hm, I guess you're right,"

Marcy let go of one of my hands and started walking still holding my other one, "We're getting more and more famous each day, Anne. Truth is we're going to have to get used to this," "The future is scary." "Won't be scary as long as we have eachother," She looks at me with a soft smile, then turns back foward looking for the chocolate fountain.

"Thanks Marbles," "No problemo' Anna-Banana, it's the least a- erm- friend could do!" She gives me a thumbs up. I frown a bit, "Oh, right,"

"Ah here it is- ouf!" She let's go of my hand, and takes a step back. "Sorry! I wasn't looking." Marcy looks at me then back at the girl in front of her. "... it's alright, look where you're going next time," they turn around slightly. A stream of chocolate was rolling down her dress. "AHH! I'm so sorry," Marcy panics and grabs a bunch of napkins. "It's okay! Im seriously fine.." She chuckles softly as Marcy is wiping her dress all over, just spreading the chocolate even more. "Oh, sorry, did I make it worse?" "Nah, this was the look I was going for anyways." We all laugh

"What's your name?" I ask her. "Oh, I'm Sasha, you two are Marcy and Anne, right?" "Yeah! How'd you know?" "I've seen you guys on the internet now and then," "Heyy, now that you bring it up I think I've seen you on the internet too!" Marcy snaps her fingers. "Yeah! That's where I've been doing most of my stuff. I've posting my music on YouTube and it's been going pretty well. I reached ten million subscribers yesterday." Me and Marcy's jaw drop. "How have I not heard of you?? That's a big number!" I say. "Yeah, I've only heard of you a few times," "You two are actors though, right? Must be tiring and stuff, so you never get time for yourself to catch up on what's happening online," "Yeah, I suppose that's true," Me and Marcy respond in sync.

"Yeah, uh, anyways, can I hangout with you two? I kinda have no friends," She blushes. Marcy looks at me and I nod in approval. "Yeah! We'd like that," Marcy replies.

Celebrities In Public, Lovers In Disguise - SashannarcyWhere stories live. Discover now