A little about me

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Hello! My name is Sophia Atlas, I am a werewolf. But not just any werewolf..

I'm stuck with an awful pack.

The pack's name is Bloodlight Pack, They definitely got blood right.  

As much as I want to love them because they are family and my pack.. I can't. 

My father ( Craig Atlas) is the Alpha, an alpha is the leader of the pack. 

My brother ( Jacob Atlas) is next in line, He's a spitting image of my father. Well not in looks, but personality is exactly the same. 

That's not a good thing as much as I want it to be. Both of them are terrible beings.

My wolf's name is Ginger, Funny, since she is a red wolf. 

There are legends that red wolves are rare. They supposedly are stronger and bigger than most. We will learn more about that later on..  I wouldn't know for sure though since I am not allowed to shift and I'm constantly stuck in a small room.

My life is hell. I just want it to end. I'm everyones punching bag to just release anything and everything on.  

I'm not even worried about a mate at this point because they are probably just going to treat me bad like my family. Who would want me as a mate? 

A mate is a soulmate and we are able to locate them at the age of 18. But since I've been trapped in a room since my mother died I haven't been able to find my mate. My wolf tells me that I shouldn't think of my mate the way I do, she says that our mate would never hurt us. How am i supposed to believe her when all i've ever known is pain from people that are supposed to love and care for me. 

 I am 22 years of age, I have long curly red hair, I am very slim, Probably from not eating except for once a week because my father believes i shouldn't eat because I don't deserve it. I have bright blue eyes. My wolf has Emerald eyes, I like her eyes much better. 

My mother died when I was 7, My family blames me. We will get into better details later on. I don't like to talk about it. My family says I am not worthy of a mate and I believe them, Who would want a Small abused and untrained mate. My father would never let me have training which sucks. I've only shifted once, Since then my wolf has been too weak to shift.  The only time I am allowed out of this room is when we have high end visitors like other alphas, Or to cook and clean for everyone in the packhouse. I'm pretty much the maid.

I sit in the small room that only has a tiny broken bed, and by broken I mean, the springs are coming up through the bed and I don't have a frame.. I hear yelling from outside of the room. I cannot make out who it might be.

Scared, I cower in the corner prepared for whoever to bust through the door and hit me.


Hi Guys!! Sorry for the short first chapter, Next chapter should be longer, I'm still learning! I hope you enjoyed this! Again, Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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