I laugh.
"You can't be serious...".

He nods.
"I am serious, where do I look like I am joking to you?".

I look at Mikhail for some sort of assistance.
He looks at Dimitri.

"Maybe we can convince her otherwise. Get Vivian to do the dirty work instead of the seduction part".

He smirks.
"Эта женщина ничего не знает о том, чем мы занимаемся. Она не способна."
(This woman knows nothing of what we do. She is incapable.)

"Unless we show her and help her. Just try with her uncle" Mikhail persuades him.

He looks at him and at me.
"Fine, if she says no.. I am undefeated".

Mikhail nods and he leaves.

"How exactly are you two going to show me?" I ask.

He sighs.
"You won't like it but it will help you not have to sell your body. You almost know our language so this should be a piece of cake".

This sounds bad already.

We wait until Dimitri gets back and Mikhail watches the time as he grows worried over how long it has been.

"I probably should go look for him... it has been too long" he says.

I got to speak before the door opens and Dimitri looks a bit bloody.

"She agreed on us showing her but of course I had to get punished for going against her wishes" he says.

I look at him feeling horrible and I look at his bruises.

"Dimitri I am sorry. I never wanted this" I say.

He sits down and groans in pain.
"It's whatever now. Now we will start tomorrow so be prepared to get dirty."

I nod.
"And I promise after you two help me, I will get out of your hair. I swear..".

He looks away and I head to my room after I can clearly read the room that I needed to leave the room.

I get some rest for tomorrow since I know things will get harder as they go.

I get into bed and I start to rest. As I fall into a deep sleep, I see myself with mamma and papa living happily.

I had a husband and 4 kids, we lived in a nice home in Italy and I was happy. Happier than I ever been.

Before I know it I hear loud knocks on my door waking me up. I turn to see 6am and I groan as I toss in bed.

I turn and I start to sit up. The knocks continue and I get up quickly.

I head to the door and I open it. I see Dimitri and he looks down at me.

"You will run outside for an hour and you bare the cold. No layers and you need to get comfortable with guns. She said you were shivering when her men pointed one at you".

I nod and he walks away again. I close the door as I go get ready.

I wear a shirt and long pants. I put on sneakers and I look out the window as I can tell it was deeply cold today. I sigh and I go brush my teeth before I make my way outside.

I head outside after I was done. I feel the freezing cold air against my skin and I try not to shiver.

I look at the trees and the surrounding area with nothing but the sounds of the harsh cold winds.

I start running and I try to forget about the coldness. I make my way around as I head into the woods. Dodging the branches that are in the path on the ground.

I jump over some and I start going a bit faster. I start to think about mamma and papa as I feel myself slow down. I stop and I try to catch my breath.

I inhale and exhale as I try to catch my breath. I look around and I already feel lost.

I hear a few noises as it sounds someone was walking. I try to blend in with the trees as I see Mikhail walking towards some tunnel.

I see him walking in but before he goes any further he turns around as he scans the area before he goes in further.

I hide behind a tree as I catch a glimpse of him in my sight. I see him keep walking in the tunnel and I wait a few seconds.

I know I should continue my run but this is something I need to know.

I really don't trust him and Dimitri too much but they do give me what I need. So that's a plus.

I need to know that they aren't creeps.

I follow him to the tunnel and it's dark inside but I see a dimmed light. I walk towards it slowly and as I keep walking I keep checking behind me in case anyone pops up.

I get to a rusty gate and it was unlocked by how I pushed it open. I walk in and I hear screams.

Yelling. Laughter. Chanting.

I keep walking as I see a group of people jumping up and down in a crowd. What is going on?

I see seats and it looked like it was some sort of show by how everything was organized. I go up a few steps as I try to get a better view of what they were screaming at.

I see Mikhail at one end talking to some guys as across from him is another guy. Mikhail takes his shirt off and to be honest I didn't know he had all that with all these clothes we wear. His muscles and the way his body was unique. I wasn't really one to stare at a man's body but I couldn't help myself. I try not to keep looking at him and stare. As I stop staring, I see him go up to the guy. Mikhail throws a punch and the guy falls back a bit.

What is happening?

Bound to Desire | Darkest Love~ Book 2 |Where stories live. Discover now