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THE PARENTS | prologue.

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The sun was beating hard on the coast of Tijuana and a cry accompanied by a chorus could be heard in the distance from a small shack with a tin roof, the Santana family did not expect to have two babies, they were very worried about how they would earn money for those little children, who had beautiful teary eyes, It was there when they realized that the world was cruel even to newborns and they with their few hours of having left their mother's womb, felt the rejection for the first time, by their mother's comadre, who complained about the bad parents that she and her husband would be.

What these little ones did not know was that it was not the first time they would experience rejection in their own skin.

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The babies grew up in poverty but never without love, Marina and Rafael Santana were happy with their children, and worked from sun up to sun down to put food in both of their mouths.

Eva and Chato played with little wooden cubes that their father had made for them, in their little world they did not imagine how big their future would be.

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Their parents decided to move to Ciudad Juarez, Rafael had found a job with a better income, the little twins took their cubes and left without knowing what destiny would bring them, for them it was very easy to change their horizons, but for their parents it hurt to leave the past behind.

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The pair of siblings quickly adapted to their surroundings, however, the dangerous environment where they lived made them wonder if they would return home safely to their parents the next day.

They walked fast, Eva in front looking to the sides in a paranoid way, while Chato walked behind her giving fearful glances towards the road they were walking, around there were only bad people, the kind of people that end up in jail, the kind of people that have a horrible past and future too, the kind of people that you can manipulate. The twins got home and said nothing, they just thought about it all afternoon.

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Eva insisted to her brother that she wanted to buy a chocolate, luxuries that they only had once in a while, their birthday was approaching and they both wanted to agree on the gift, Chato wanted a cake, so they agreed that they wanted a chocolate cake, they both got what they wanted.

Days passed and the birthday came, they wanted to go with their parents to buy their gift together, however, they said that since their parents had to advance the payment they had to work overtime, so the twins entered the store very excited looking at the cakes.

"Váyanse de aquí chamacos, no damos limosnas," Said the man angrily and looking at them badly, taking a knife, Eva took Chato by the hand, standing in front of her older brother in a protective manner.

"¿Qué esperan?" He wielded the knife to the point that his knuckles were white, Eva was still static in her position, until he spoke in a voice full of anger.

"Tenemos cómo pagar Señor, no debería tratar así a la gente que tiene intención de comprar, vamos Chato, seguro hay mejores pastelerías que este lugar tan corriente," They left the store, ten meters later she started to cry. The older knew why their clothes were worn, and he knew that put the man on warning,he hugged his twin as if the next second they were going to disappear.

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