"Damn Izu! Why do you always gotta look so damn wholesome and hot at the same time!"
Spoke out an excited Lucy.

We parked the rental car and decided to walk around, looking for clubs. I'm personally not a drinker nor have I ever drank alcohol. So I'm technically just here to supervise them to make sure they don't drink to their hearts content.
"Hmph. This seems like a cool club. Y'all wanna try?" Jacob asked the group. "Sure!" We all said in unison.

"I need to see your ID's." Said security. We all held up our fake ID's and he proceeded to open the gate.

"Ladies and gentle men! I now present to your the hots of Japan!" Yelled out an excited Sarah. We all knew the reason why Sarah was excited, it's was because only I knew Japanese so they wouldn't have to worry about creepy old men telling them creepy things.

As we walked in, it was very clear that there were some kids around our age here. This seems more like a teenager hang out than just a fun drink club. I don't do good in crowded places like this, so I try to stay by Jacob the most because he's more like a brother to me and I trust him.

As I looked around, I saw some people staring because all my friends are American and it's strange to see American people in Japan in the middle of winter. I quickly grabbed onto Jacob's hand so I wouldn't get lost in the crowd.
"You okay izu?" Asked Jacob as he looked at me worriedly. I nodded quickly, trying to give him the hint that I wanted to sit down somewhere so I won't have to worry about getting trampled.
We continued and looked for a table, and eventually found one with enough seats for all of us. "Let's just sit down then we can start doing stuff here. I nodded happily. "I've never been to a club in Japan before... it's just so different. They must not be as strict here with the underage drinking than America.." I said sighing. "Yeah, we should probably make sure the others don't drink too much." He gave a slight laugh. "For sure!" I giggle.

We continued talking and eventually went out to the dance floor to dance. "Hey izu!" Yelled Sarah in a tipsy tone. "Let's go shake some ass on the dance floor!" She said grabbing my hand. I of course didn't do what she said but I tried to have a little bit of fun by dancing.
"Ooooo! Izu some hotties over there are staring at you~" I looked to my left to see a couple of guys looking at me. One had bright red hair with a slight smirk plastered on his lips and there was one other with black straightened hair. "I- uh um... I'm gonna go get a water... I'll be right back." I told Sarah as I walked away so I could get out of the uncomfortable gazes of the two. "Seeeeee youu~" Sarah yelled taking another sip from her cup.

"U-um excuse me! Could I please get a water?" I spoke up to the bar tender. "One water coming right up-!" "And a beer please. It's on me." A male voice sounded behind me. "Coming right up!" I looked behind me to see no other than Todoroki. "Wha? Todoroki you're here? I didn't take you as a type of guy to go clubbing..?" I questioned as he took a seat next to me at the bar. "Meh, I was kinda dragged out here with my friends. I'm not much for partying but a drink or two here and there isn't that bad." I giggled. "That's funny, I was dragged out here too. My friends decided to come visit before I had to start school here soon." I sighed out, relieved to have my friends come to cheer me up from moving. "You have good friends considering that is quite the flight from America to Japan." "For sure... I am lucky to have them.." I smiled looking over at Alex and Sarah dancing drunkenly. "You drink?" He asked as the bartender came over and gave me my water and gave him his beer. "Nope, I've never drank before-" "pshhht!" "Wait. What? You've never drank?" I shook my head no. "Wow. I don't think I've met one girl our age that hasn't drank." I shook my head. "Meh.... Never really perked my interest. But luckily for my friends I'm their driver for when they decide to go all out on the boo's." He laughed at that. "So. I assume the reason your going to be at UA is because you do sports or something, considering it's an elite school?" He asked me as he took a sip of his drink. "I actually got into UA for my grades. I had the highest grades at my school. I do dance though and I got recommended for it, so that's basically why I got in." I didn't really wanna blow the fact that my father is the football coach considering it's not something I necessarily need to give out. "That's impressive." "Yeah.... So how'd you get in?" I questioned. "Well, if it weren't for my dad being the mayor, then for football and baseball." "Wow! That's so cool! I bet you're very good!" He gave a slight smile. "I didn't know your dad was a mayor. That's pretty cool." "Yeah, thankfully I don't see him that much. He's sorta a control freak with my reputation. Something about me being some sort of stupid governor or shit like that." I giggled. "Sounds like he has his high standards." He sighed out. "Yup. Just gotta put up with him for a couple more years then I'll be free from him!" I laughed at his response.
"Todoroki!" We heard a voice yell. "Huh? Oh." We both looked over to see a tall guy with glasses. "What did I say about drinking! There's no good for it on a school night!" Yelled the male. "Shhh! Iida. You have to quiet down. I don't myself getting caught underage. Especially with how my dad being at my throat. I do not need this." Todoroki reasoned with him. The tall male nodded in response and looked over at me. "Hello miss!" He exclaimed holding out his hand for me to shake. "Why, hello! What's your name?" I questioned as I shook his hand. He seemed quite pleased to see someone els with manners. "I'm Tenya Iida! It's pleasure to meet you miss- uh..." "my name is Mydoriya Izumi, but I'm not very big in Japan formalities so just call me Izumi!" I explained. He gave a slight confused look. "I just moved here from America that's why." He gave me an 'oh' look. "Well I should get going Todoroki and Iida, nice chatting with you!" I said as slapped down some money for both drinks Todoroki and I had. "W-wait Izumi, I was gonna pa-" "It's fine, take it as a thank you gift for helping me find my way around the streets! I had fun too tonight, so thank you!" I exclaimed. "I must get going to check on my friends and you should too, so I'll see you around?" I asked walking backwards a small bit. "For sure! See you around miss Izumi!" I giggled and waved goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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