New Tattoo

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I wanted a tattoo of a rosemary twig
On my forearm
I got the idea from my sister
She has lavender for our Nanny

I want it for you
Since we were 13 i wanted a tattoo of a rosemary twig
To remember you
Incase you left

The anxiety of sitting in form class awaiting your arrival after a long night
Jumping everytime the door opened
Incase you had passed

I wanted a rosemary tattoo with the quote "you are not beside but within me" around it
I didn't think you'd make it
But I knew you'd be with me somehow

I don't want this tattoo anymore
Because you are beside me
You sit next to me and you are physically there
No ghosts or spirits

You are alive
And I'd much rather have you than some ink

Things I should have saidUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum