16. Eye of the Storm

Start from the beginning

Sirius and Remus traded uneven glances, because was it ever truly over?

"No." George stepped in instead, raising Ollie's hand to his lips so he could press a kiss to her knuckles. "But we're all safe for now, and no one is in danger." He reassured. 

It seemed to be enough, as she curled towards him as the sob tore out of her throat, sending the rain pounding against the windows. But no one breathed a word, not as the wind seeped through the cracks sending an eerie chill through the room and not as the thunder rumbled across the sky. 

Because Ollie was tired-and she couldn't hold it in anymore. 

No one blamed her, for she had been fighting for so long. 

All her life she had spent reigning her powers in and controlling them, and she was exhausted. 

"Let's get you fed, hmm?" Molly swept in, helping Ollie to sit and then gently off the cot. "Tea might help these cold fingers." She reassured, holding her tight and the rest followed her into the kitchen that had been untouched by the storm. 

Ollie was sat gently, between Hermione who smiled broadly at her and George who held her close. Food and tea was set before her, but she only sipped her tea before nodding to Kingsley who sat on the other end of the table, parchment spread around him. 

"Never stop working do you?" She teased gently. 

"Not when there's work to be done." Kingsley shrugged gently, but his cheeks were bashful as he glanced down at his writing. 

"What is it?" Ollie asked, glancing around to see Bill avoid her gaze and even Charlie glanced away. 

"After you slaughtered Voldemort-" 

"Fred Weasley." Molly berated quietly for his vile language, but Fred barreled on. 

"The rest of the deatheaters vanished in the storm you left behind, so good old Kingsley here is trying to figure out how we're going to find them all." Fred grinned, as Hermione pinched his thigh tightly and Ron tossed a crouton at his chest. 


And Ollie wondered if Kingsley ever thought very highly of her parents or if he thought they were reckless, accident-prone idiots. 

Because she had planned for this. 

Ollie turned, extending an arm towards the opened door should Harry happen to cry out, and snapped her fingers once. 

"Ehh-Ollie?" Ron voiced uneasily. 

"I am my mother's daughter." Ollie spoke, taking note of the way Remus bristled. "I am also my father's daughter." She grinned, and the folder smacked into her palm. She turned, ready to throw it on the table before taking her gaze to Kingsley. "I killed him." She reminded. 

"Yes." Kingsley nodded, folding his hands as he glanced at the folder. "You also kept the rest of us safe." He pointed out. 

"Exactly." Ollie nodded, still gripping the folder tight before at last slapping it down. "So whatever you read in there..please..please don't..don't lessen what I did." She struggled to say. 

George squeezed her in tight and Hermione reached for her hand as Kingsley summoned the folder to his hand and flipped it open at once, only to freeze. 

It was silent, then it was apparent that Kingsley wasn't going to speak up so Sirius did. 

"What is it, Kings?" Sirius asked, leaning forward slightly. 

"She destroyed their vaults." Kingsley breathed.

All eyes snapped to Ollie.

"She closed manor gates and she..she.." Kingsley tried, but the words would not come so Ollie spoke for him. 

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