Chapter 29

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*Karthik Pov*

"Don't you dare glare at me. You don't have any right after saying all that nonsense before everyone." She warned, sitting on the bed and glared at me.

"It's not like you have that right too. And I didn't utter any nonsense today." I said, moving the chair to sit before her.

I can't believe that she dated and was able to hide it from all of us for so long. And to top of that he is not any student, but older than us already working.

"Why did you not let any of us know about all this?" I asked looking at her.

"I already explained right regarding what happened with my second crush because of..." I cut her off waving my hand.

"Is it my fault then?" I asked her frowning.

"I am not saying it's anyone's fault. I know they were just teasing me but the incident was so far stretched at that time which caused all this. I can say it is kind of my fault for not backing down when I should have." She replied shrugging.

"Anyway, why are we discussing about my past now? I already gave my reasons and it doesn't have any effect at present as everything is already over with him. I am exactly not wrong or right for doing this. I am really sorry for doing that even though we are close friends." She added frowning.

"And you got angry last month that we played a prank on you." I mumbled and she smiled sweetly at me.

"I immediately let that go and even you do that. But like everyone, you should let go of this matter too. And I am thankful for trying to help earlier by saying all that." Saying that she stood up to leave, but I pulled her down holding her hands before she can take a step.

"How can I let go of this matter when it caused so much trouble?" I asked, to which she frowned at me with a confused look.

"What trouble had it caused you?" she asked and I cleared my throat, knowing well I need to say everything now.

"I actually thought you would still be new at this stuff, even though you proved me wrong once during the trip. So, I decided to take it slow so that you will be comfortable, but I no longer need to think that way." I replied and it felt like I am talking to myself as she still looked confused.

"I didn't lie earlier and was really wishing to date you." I added and this time she sighed.

"You need not joke with me just because you are angry about all this." She said shaking her head.

"This time I am not letting you go just because you talk as if whatever I am saying is just a joke when you are not naïve at this subject. And why are you thinking like that when we even kissed." I pointed out frowning.

"You were drunk at that time, right." She mumbled hesitatingly and I shook my head.

"No! I kissed you because I wanted to. You were the one who got drunk and I kissed you after you became somber. I didn't know why you acted like it never happened and I just thought you forgot as you could have been somber just that moment or you were still drunk and I was wrong." I explained and she stared at me with wide eyes.

"What are you saying?" she asked in a whisper.

"During the trip itself, I totally forgot about the bet and behaved as I want with you. All the feelings were real, but I was confused at the same time. I tried to express them, but you never took them seriously and I just thought as you didn't have the experience in dealing with this stuff, you were not able to understand." I continued and she just listened not saying a word.

"Even during holidays I wanted to talk to you all the time and I enjoyed those moments. Then after joining this college, I tried to express through my jealousy and words, but at the same time didn't want to make you anxious. I don't want to do that anymore and I will just say it clearly." I added looking at her.

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