"Today will forever be an embarrassing day for me. Why did I act in such a way?" she asked shaking her head.

"It's my fault too for not understanding you." I replied sighing.

"It's my fault to think too much in such a small matter." She mumbled staring at me.

"Sorry!" we both said at the same time and smiled at each other.

"You know what words made me really think how wrong I was?" Chitra asked when we reached the parking lot.

"When she asked whether she should stay away from Karthik just because her future boyfriend will have a problem with her past feelings. If someone really said that I would have asked her to break up with him immediately and I can't believe I was kind of in that way and hated myself. I will never think this rash again." She promised holding my hand tightly and I held it back smiling.

When Rashmi sat in my car, we drove off after waving off to our friends and she sat in silence for the next half an hour just looking outside.

"You are really feeling awkward about all this." I stated and she sighed shifting a little to face me.

"How can I not? All this is a big shock to me." She pointed out.

"Then how did you manage to deal all of that when we were acting like kids?" I asked shaking my head.

"Well, I know our friendship is more important than my shock. So, I pushed it aside and just decided to deal with the problem first." She explained.

"Okay! You can deal with your shock now and I will not disturb you." I said chuckling at her expression.

She sat like that for a few minutes and kept on glancing at me in between. I shook my head, knowing well she will have too many questions for me.

"I had a crush on you when we met on the train itself. As I liked you, I wanted you to be our group member and that's why I made that bet with them. After that I have been always with you, but then that day I found out about your feelings and immediately that incident happened. All I know is that I wouldn't have gone through that long way and decided to end them as I felt you still liked him. I was so happy when you finally talked to me properly after that semester. I felt that was more than enough for me. Before I met Chitra I used to feel a slight pain for having a failed first love, but your friendship always covered it up for me." I took a deep breath finally saying all that.

"Wow! I am actually honored to hear that you liked me back them. I was sad a few times that no one liked me, you know." She said and I laughed hearing her words.

"No! I am really honored." She stressed and this time I nodded.

It is possible only for her to not make me feel guilty or anything for liking her back then. Maybe it's a good thing that he knows the truth and we don't have any secrets between us anymore.

*Rashmi Pov*

"I still can't believe that Preetha left so suddenly. I couldn't even meet her before she left." I said arranging my clothes in the hostel room with the help of Mehrin.

"Exactly! One day they announced she will not go and last week she just packed her bags and left. By chance I was able to meet her and it was a weird situation. Chitra and I didn't know whether to show happiness for her or sadness for Rohan that day." Mehrin said, shaking her head and she repeated that sentence like so many times already.

"Let's hope she will come at least once in between, otherwise two years is a long time." I said finally finishing the arrangement and we both sat on my bed.

"I don't know how will you react when Karthik goes like this for two years." Mehrin commented bumping my shoulder.

"How will I react? We are just talking on the phone which we can do sometimes after he leaves. And I really want him to achieve whatever he wishes for." I said pushing her away.

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