Releasing a frustrated sigh, Claire got up from the couch and walked to where Abby sat, "I'm coming early tomorrow, and I'm going to help you dress, I'll call Jeff and ask him to pick us up here and take us to the dance."

Walking to the front door, Claire turned around and said, "I'll leave now, I have a nail appointment in less than fifteen minutes, which means I'll have to run again to get there on time, I just pray that for graduation my parents get me a car, they promised me that if my grades are straight A's and so far they are, they will gift me a car!"

Abby smiled at her friend and watched her leave, but when the front door slammed shut, she cried her heart out again. It wasn't that she was jealous of her friend, but she did wish that her family was loving, kind and generous like Claire's family was.

Her parents have been fighting like cats and dogs ever since she could remember, they are poor because her father spent most of their money on alcohol at the bars and on women. Her poor mother worked double shifts to pay the mounted bills and welfare had provided them with food stamps and health insurance.

"I hate my life!" She yelled out loud, and her dog Cucci climbed on her lap and rested his head on her stomach.

Last year Abby had applied to Princeton and Harvard, but she hadn't heard from either of them. She needed a full scholarship and also free room and board because her parents had no money to give her for school. She had received many applications from other colleges, but with her high grades she desperately wanted to go to a more prestigious college.

Admit it, you want to go to Princeton because that's where Steven might be going! You'll never get the opportunity to go there because you can't afford it and they will never give you a full ride!

Abby cried and cried till there were no more tears to spill. Life is not fair, she thought, as she pushed herself to go up the stairs and back into her room where she cried some more.


Jeff called a hundred times before Abby answered his call, "Hello."

"Do you hate me so much that you ignore me?" There was a trace of pain in his voice.

"You know I love you, you're one of my best friends Jeff!" She told him.

"I don't want to be one of your best friends, I want more!"

"Stop it please, I'm not in the mood right now!" Abby pleaded, "you need to focus on Claire now!"

"I love you!"

"If you love me then you would do as I ask and be good to Claire," Abby said, already regretting answering her phone, "I can't love you the way you want me to love you, I love you as a friend or like the brother I never had, Claire loves you for real and she is your future!"

"I like Claire but I will never love her like I love you and you know this to be true!" Jeff was growing impatient, "are you in love with someone else?

"Yes!" She admitted only to get him off her back so he can concentrate on making Claire happy. "My heart belongs to another, and you would do well by giving your heart to Claire, she's a beautiful girl and she adores you!"

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven," Jeff's voice sounded cold and distant, "I'll come early, I need a word with you before Claire shows up."

Before Abby could respond, the other line went dead. She wondered why Jeff was being so difficult, he never acted so desperate before.


When Jacob left Steven's house he went to have an emergency talk with Anthony and his other two friends. Now all four were driving to Steven's house to do an intervention.

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