The magic known as "science"

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 "What? Who are you trying to fool? It's a fact that solid things can't go through another solid thing!" Lamy shouted.

"Quantum tunneling", he sighed.

Upon hearing his words, Lamy was even more confused. He looked like he expected her to understand with just two words but she had no idea what he was trying to say.

"Quantum what?" Lamy asked.

"The probability of an object going through another object is never zero. If done normally, it won't happen in a billion of years. That's why I made this device. By rearranging the particles of the glass door and applying the concept of quantum tunneling, you got through the door", he explained as he showed her the round device he was holding.

"What kind of explanation is that?! It's fishy! That's almost like magic!!"

"Any technology is like magic already. Thousands of years ago, humans believed they can't fly in the sky and thus, they made fantasies of having magic fulfill their dreams. Look at where we're at right now."

"But that's different! I just passed through a solid object! It's completely different from just having a vehicle carry us while flying. Unless you can explain the theory yourself, it's magic! There's no way I should be able to phase through another object!"

"Everything can be explained by science. Besides, information can be outdated. A long time ago, many people believed that the earth is the center of the universe. It only took several astronomers and a bunch of excommunications before the entire world believed what our knowledge is right now. It would be funny if thousand years in the future, what we think we know right now will be considered as primitive ramblings."

"Are you saying that our teachers and all other experts before us were wrong? That they were gravely mistaken on how the world works?!"


Lamy was surprised by his response that had no hint of hesitation. His bored eyes looked at her directly as if he was analyzing every single feature she had. Not only that, she could feel that he was deconstructing her in his own mind and figuring out how she worked.

"You're quite talkative today, Yukihana-san", he said.

After saying those words, he began walking down the stairs. But before he got out of her sight, he looked back at her.

"If you can't acknowledge what happened in front of your eyes, you're a failure as a sentient creature."


Lamy arrived home and was visibly angry. A white-haired maid bowed down and received her bag.

"Welcome home, Lamy-sama", she said.

However, Lamy didn't respond and just stormed off to her room. This was the first time she saw her master act like that ever since she graduated from elementary school.

Her name was Angelina and she was Lamy's personal maid. While their relationship was that officially of a master and servant, she was almost like Lamy's older sister seeing how she helped greatly in raising her to become a fine young woman.

Lamy's mother wholeheartedly trusted her and Lamy also relied on her. Any problems the two of them had would have Angelina be the middlewoman and help in sorting things out.

But for the first time, she had no idea how to approach her. Lamy was angry at something and seeing as how this was a sensitive time for her as an adolescent, Angelina didn't know what she should do except that she should report this event to Lamy's mother.

Meanwhile, Lamy entered her room and immediately turned on her computer.

If you can't acknowledge what happened in front of your eyes, you're a failure as a sentient creature, Kei's words rang inside her mind.

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