Chapter 1: The Begining

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(A/N): ********important********  note that this is a memory, which means it happened in Alexandra's past, but, in the current time peroid her and Leah are in, it actually takes place in the future.  confused?  ok, well you will understand once you read........i know it is allittle choppy in the begining, but it is for effect, because everything all happens so fast.

i need a cover made, so anyone who is will ing to help me i would love for you to! i will dedicate my next chapter to you!


"In Spanish!"

"Señora, por favor, tienes-"

"No!" the instructor bellowed, slamming his hands down on the table infront of me.  I jumped slightly.

"Tienen-" I tried to correct myself.


"When am I ever going to need to speak Latin!?"  I crossed my arms.  This was getting frustrating.  The interrogation had been going on for hours.  My language teacher had taught me everything.  He should know that I know.

He pounded his fist, "English!"

"For the love of God, I speak English!"

We froze in a stare down, neither of us willing to budge, both breathing quickly.  After a few tense minutes, the door to the room slowly opened and the weapons instructor popped her head in, "You can't keep her all day Andrew."

He scribbled my evaluation quickly before sealing it and tossing it to me.  I huffed loudly, jerked it up, and stormed out of the room.

I turned to speak with Lisa, the trainer, about my lateness, only to be slammed in the back of the head.  I stumbled, and was about to regain my balance when she drop-kicked me into the wall to my left.  It knocked the breath out of me, and I struggled to get up before she could attack again.

"'Afternoon to you too," I huff, gripping my throbbing ribs.

"How many times have I told you, never to turn your back on an opponent?"

"I didn't know the exam had started!"

"It's exam day!"

Damn right it was exam day.  I had heard rumors that it was awful.  That those who made it out alive were scarred for life.  Ok, maybe that is a little bit of an exaggeration, but I hadn't expected it to be like this.  Three A.M. I was dragged-literally-out of my warm bed and kidnapped.  I had to escape, and find my way back to camp.  Ten miles, running.  Then once I was back at camp there wasn't even breakfast, just off to my history exam, then my world knowledge, and then the languages exam.

This was the last exam, not only of the day, but ever.  If I could just make it through this, then I would be home-free.

But that was easier said then done.

I caught Lisa's arm just before she knocked out my two front teeth and used her own elbow to bring her to her knees with a quick drive to the stomach.  She flipped back, grabbing two daggers, and flung them at me once she was right-side up.

I ducked one and snatched the other out of the air.  I, however, did not get the chance to use it against her.  Before I knew it, she had a sword and was charging me.  I ducked, and knocked a swing away with the dagger, but it was useless.  The tiny thing was no match for her blade.

I charged straight at her, diving under her legs just as the blade whizzed past my ear, and pluck another sword off the wall.  I am not given the chance to test its balance because she is coming at me again.  I pare her blow and begin trying to make advances.

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