Chapter 1 - Dark Messages

Start from the beginning

"Oh Jake thank god I can't get Abby to stop crying, maybe you'll have better luck." Without even giving Jake enough time to reply the nanny grabbed him by the sleeve and dragged him into the house. Bringing him over to where Abby sat on the floor a gob of snot running down from her nose and tears streaming down her cheeks. "I tried feeding her, changing her, giving her toys, walking her, bath time, putting her down but nothing's calming her down."

"So you think that I'd know what to do?" Jake asked looking at the nanny like she'd just lost her mind. "Contrary to what you may believe, I'm not magic I can't just make her stop crying."

However no sooner did those words leave Jake's lips did Abby's tears and wails begin to stop as she looked up at him. As far as baby's went Abby was normal he supposed, Jake loved his sister of course but he didn't know a thing about keeping a baby calm and content. To be quite honest whenever she was crying like that he usually had Eve work her magic on Abby to fix whatever it was that was wrong. But lately Abby's been taking to wanting to be held, damn his aunt was spoiling her again Jake thought to himself. Abby raised her arms up and Jake bent down to pick her up, she was getting pretty big too for being a little over five months old. Of course Jake having little to no experience with kids wasn't sure if Abby should be walking by now or not, she could crawl so he supposed that was pretty good.

"You are turning into a little brat you know that?" He said to his little sister wiping her nose with his sleeve. She gave him one of her heart melting smiles and did the one thing that made Eve squeal whenever she came with Jake on his visits. Abby put her head on Jake's chest as if trying to hug him. "Carol say when she'd be back today?"

"She said she might be a little late today but nothing too bad." Gwen called from the kitchen. "And see I told you she'd quiet down for you the little angel."

"Oh yeah she's just a little darling isn't she." Jake said sarcastically as he began to walk around the house with Abby in his arms. His sister liked being walked around but for whatever reason she liked it best when Jake did it, bit annoying actually but he could deal with it if it meant she'd quit her squawking.

Bending down and picking up one of Abby's brightly colored toys, a set of keys that beeped whenever you pressed the car button on them and jingled them in front of Abby's face. His sister let out a babbling sound and grabbed the keys and started to wave them about. "Just don't hit me with them okay-" No sooner did he say that did Abby take a swing and caught Jake right in the face with the keys. "You are a violent and evil little child you know that?"

As if in response Abby let out a laugh and started shaking the keys and going on about something in her baby babbles. Jake found Gwen in the kitchen fixing a bottle of formula and as soon as Abby saw the bottle she threw her keys and started reaching for it. Jake rolled his eyes and offered her to Gwen who just shook her head and pointed to the rocking chair. "You know that she'll only eat when you feed her."

"Alright alright." Jake said snatching the bottle and moving over to the rocking chair. He situated Abby and put the bottle in her mouth. "At least you can hold it by yourself now you little oinker."

"Oh you can be mean now." Gwen began tossing a dishtowel over the window opening between the kitchen an the dining room. "But just wait until she gets older and the boys start knocking after her. Than we'll see what kind of tune you're singing."

"I don't know why you and Eve think I'll change my tune about this when she gets older." Jake said beginning to rock. "Far as I'm concerned that day can't get here fast enough because then she won't be my problem and whoever she's with get's to tend to her every beck and call."

"We'll see." Gwen said with a grin on her face. "As she came and sat at the table with a cup of what could only be coffee in hand. "Where is Eve anyway? Hope you two didn't have a falling out I liked her. Must have the patience of a saint to put up with your mouth as much as she does."

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