chapter 1: Leo's weakness

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Leo's pov:
I was in the living room watching space heroes when Raph came in he was all sweaty probably from training or something but damn the way the light reflects off of his hot athletic body it's just so hot and his eyes they're like sparkling emeralds I can't help but just stare at him but that's when Raph caught me staring at him hey fearless why you staring at me like that he asked while walking towards me I froze I tried to act cool oh me I wasn't staring at you I was just watching space heroes yeah that's what I was doing watching space heroes all right if you say so I'm heading to a room see ya fearless Raph said and went off to his room wow smooth Leo I said scolding myself I can't believe I just said that to him why can't I just tell him how I feel for him I wish I could just tell him how I feel but every time I try I just get all nervous and shaky oh Raphael will you ever notice me because you are my only weakness and I can't stop thinking about you

Raph's pov:
when I got to my room I went inside and closed the door I flopped down on my bed why, why can't I just tell him how I feel yes believe it or not I have a crush on my brother yea yea I know it's wrong but you don't get it I just can't help myself his beautiful blue eyes they're like beautiful sapphires and his voice I could just listen to it on repeat over and over and his sexy body damn wouldn't I love to have him in my arms why is it so damn hard for me to just tell him how I feel why am I such a coward maybe it's because of the fact that he might reject me but hey it's worth a shot I'm just going to tell him how I feel and if he doesn't feel the same I won't sweat it well it's now or never

Leo's pov:
I turn off the tv and go to my bedroom once I got there I go inside and close the door I started to take off my gear and my mask and started to settle down but that's when I heard a knock on my door who is it? I asked the door opened and that's when Raph came in oh h-hi R-Raph I said in a nervous tone he locked the door behind him and then he said hey uhh Leo there's something I have to tell you sure I juestered him to sit on my bed and he did so what do you need to tell me I asked that's when he took my hand and said Leo I'm in love with you I just can't stop thinking about you your beautiful blue sapphire eyes your sexy body and your voice that I could just listen to on repeat but most of all how cute I think you are and how much I so badly want you in my arms and I know that you may not feel the same for me but I just can't shake these feelings I have for you but it's cool if you don't feel the same for me I just sat there speechless I was shocked that he felt the same for me I should just tell him Raph I'm in love with you too I've always wanted to tell you but I've always been afraid that you would reject me I've been in love with you ever since we were young and I just couldn't stop thinking about you your hot athletic body, your sparkling emerald eyes and how cute I think you look when you get angry wow so does this mean you wanna be my boyfriend? yes I do good so I guess there's only one thing left to say and that's may I kiss you? he said with the most romantic look in his eyes yes you may I replied and with that he pulled me into a kiss and it was magical for so long I've wanted to be in his arms I've wanted to be embraced by him to be touched by him and now it's finally happening when we pulled away for air that's when he said I love you Leonardo you have no idea of how long I've wanted you for and I promise I'll always protect you from harm to take care of you when you're sick to be there for you through thick and thin and to always love you no matter what I love you Leonardo and I'll always will he said I love you too and I will do the same too I love you I love you too hey and also can I sleep here for the night sure cool Raph then took off his gear and mask and got into my bed we snuggled up close to each other and fell asleep in each other's arms

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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