
911 18 1

Fyodor and you walk out of his big mansion, leaving Dazai behind. 

You two walk on without saying anything to each other, and it slowly turns super awkward. 
You look up at Fyodor, the moonlight pooling through the leaves and branches, leaving a stain of silver on his face, making him looking more beautiful than normal.

You start to get flushed, so you look back down, and Fyodor looks at you without turning his head and says, "Are you okay?"

You seem stunned at first, but you manage to make out the words, "Yes! I'm fine!" 
As you two walk through the woods, you catch sight of a figure with flowy black clothing, and it looked like they were running away from something.

For a second, you two catch eye contact, and you notice he had very pretty hair and eyes. His tips were white, and his eyes looked like they were voids.

Scary..but pretty I guess.. you thought.

After a while, you realize that Fyodor had lead you to somewhere. It was a huge building, with lots of windows, and it looked like a triangle honestly.

As you two stop in front of the building, Fyodor turns to face you, dropping down to your height.
"You'll have to stay here. I can't let you stay with me any longer, It's too dangerous." he says with a blank tone and face.

"wh.." You are at a loss for words. But you don't have any time to react. As Fyodor kisses you lightly on the lips, you hear a crash.

It was an odd feeling at first, but you find yourself flying through the air, and hurdling down at the building, your head crashing against the broken glass. 

There was a huge explosion somewhere underground, and no one was aware of this. 
As you feel your vision going in and out, you find someone running up to you and yelling back at the others. Though you can't hear what they were really saying.

Everything seemed like a blur going by quickly. You feel like you see Fyodor walking away from you, his cape flowing behind him, not looking back once, and walking into the fire.

You want to scream for him to not leave you there, but nothing comes out of your throat. Everything hurts, your heart, head, body, soul, they all hurt.

You can't think, and you pass out.


You wake up somewhere, it seems like a hospital bed. A boy with white hair is sleeping on your lap, and a girl with blue pigtails and a red kimono is holding your hand and dozing off. 

You notice how young they both look.

You try to get up, but as soon as you do, the headache slams against your skull like a truck, and you groan loudly in pain.

The white haired boy got up, and the girl with the blue pigtails jumps in her seat, her hand tightening more around yours.

"YOUR AWAKE!" They both yell at the same time, and you suddenly had a feeling to bonk both of them on the head with your free hand, and you did.

"Shut up, my head hurts." You say, irritated.

"Oops- our bad y/n.. hehe.." Says the boy with the white hair. 
"What are your names-?" You ask, doubtful. 

They both look up at you in horror, like you said something offensive.

"Your kidding right?" asks the girl with the blue pigtails.
 "No-?" You answer.

And then it hit them. You lost your memory. Your memory of the ADA, and everyone inside of it. 
You were still confused at the situation, looking at them in curiosity. 

"Guys..?" You call out softly.

"Kyouka-chan, stay with her. I need to get everyone informed of this." says the boy with the white hair.

The girl with the blue pigtails- Kyouka, answers back. "Yes, I will Astushi-kun." 

Astushi gets up from his seat, and walks off into the white hallway.

You look back at Kyouka with a confused look. 
"What's going on? I'm confused Kyouka-chan." you say nervously.

Kyouka stares at you for a second, sadness and doubt in her eyes. She reaches out and grabs both of your hands now, and puts them close to her chest and whispers something under her breath that you couldn't quite catch.

Finally, Kyouka looks back at you, and says, "It's nothing y/n. I just hope, you go back towards the path you were taking, and you remember the important things again." 

You stay silent for a second, and watch as Kyouka leaves, straightening her red kimono as she gets up, and awkwardly walks off back to the ADA.

You look down at your hands, and they were all bandaged. Your hair in your face. 
You slowly get up from your bed, ripping off the drips that were attached to your arms. 

You go to the window, and the sun was starting to rise. You catch a refection of yourself in the mirror and,
You looked so dead inside.

Remember the important things again huh...
I hope I do.. 

You watch the sun rise slowly, another day coming forth as the sunlight hits your face.
The warm feeling was nice and familiar. 

You remember feeling this before, but, who was it from? 
The face is blurry, the memories clouded. 

Who..? Who..?

Euphoria; (Fyodor x F!y/n)Where stories live. Discover now