[2] a big lie will leave me dry

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Albus Dumbledore nodded his head. The two of them continued discussing the details of the plan concordantly before the question of whether or not to reveal her identity to her companion came up. Ariadne was adamant on secrecy. 

 'What about my companion's identity? Who is it?" She asked, promptly turning the question the other way. Dumbledore didn't mind, he calmly continued to speak.

"My initial idea was to contact Yusuf Kama, a wizard that came close to Grindelwald before." Dumbledore said as he started to pace around.

"However, it appears that he has travelled back to Senegal with no intent to return. But is seems that fate has certain plans for us, Miss Somni."

Ariadne got chills, like echoes of the past that came to hollow out her soul, when she heard her name. Dumbledore was the only one to know it. His words awoke some interest in Ariadne, who firmly believed in fate, and thus eagerly replied. "What plans? Who will do it then?"

A knock on the door made both Albus and Ariadne turn their heads to the door. Professor Minerva McGonagall's head appeared, as if she were unsure whether or not the room was occupied at the moment. After seeing Albus was in fact present, she opened the door fully and entered into the room, commanding attention to her presence.

'Pleasant to see you, Minerva.'

'The pleasure is mine, Professor Dumbledore. I saw a young man on Hogwarts ground, he appeared to be looking for you Professor, Mister Scamander he called himself.'

'Ah of course... I already expected him.' He said as his eyes were filled with thoughts.

Ariadne had heard of Newt Scamandar before, he was the one to find the Qilin! He seemed quite nice actually, perhaps working with him wouldn't be so bad. Perhaps Fate had been kind to her after she'd endure so much cruelty by her hand.

'So, I take that he is your guest and that I can release him?'

Albus raised his eyebrows. 'You held him in custody, Minerva?' He asked his college almost whisperingly. If Ariadne would have focused properly on Professor Dumbledore instead of McGonagall, she could have heard Dumbledore's comment  A minister, Head of the Aurors? Impressive, Minerva.  Yet her exceptional ability - that would be easily confused as a Legimancy - did not work when she was focused on something else completely.

Ariadne grinned, look at Professor Minerva arresting wizards left and right. She was overcome by warm emotions for her, she hadn't seen her in such a long time. 

"Of course, I couldn't let an unauthorized figure strut about the castle. I apologize, I had no idea he was your guest." She held her reply with a stern look on her face that had crumbled towards the end with apologetics.

"Neither had I. But do not worry, your actions were... reasonable and quite amusing.'

Ariadne had seated herself on one of the desks, her legs crossed. She muttered incentio under her breath and the long cigarette(that had appeared out of nowhere) lit up in her hand. She took her time as she inhaled and exhaled the smoke, not sparing a glance at the other two people in the room. She knew how to catch the much craved attention of her favorite Professor a s she faintly reminisced of the times she got in trouble for being absolutely insufferable (which included her scrawny attempts at smoking).

Minerva then turned her attention towards Ariadne. But Professor McGonagall did not recognize the young witch before her, she merely stared at her appalled, in a certain disbelief.

Professor Dumbledore scraped his throat. "This is an old student of mine... you weren't a Professor yet at that time, Miss -" He motioned his hand towards her, moving it ever so slightly up and down, pretending to have forgotten her name.

Sleepless Nights [Theseus Scamander x Adriane Somni]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя