Chapter 5

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"You're trembling." I told Jack, as I cupped his cheek.

"Don't worry. I'll be alright." he said, as he kissed me. 

After we pulled apart, I kissed his forehead, and rested his head on my chest. 


After we were dressed again, we were just running around the ship, and having fun.

"Did you see, those guys" faces?" asked Jack "Did you see them?"

"They looked as if they saw a freaking alien!" I said, as I cupped his cheek "When the ship stops, I'm coming with you."

"This is crazy." said Jack.

"Oh, I know. It doesn't make much sense. That's exactly why I trust it." I said, as Jack and I kissed again.

As we were kissing, we felt a little shake on the ground, then looked up to see an iceberg...

As we passed it, the ice came towards us, so we backed away as quick as possible. 

"What in the Atlantic freeze?" I asked, we went over to the rail, and looked at the now far away iceberg.

We then went up the stairs, and overheard people talking about the situation. 

"This is bad." said Jack 

"Yeah... Maybe this "unsinkable" ship isn't so unsinkable at all... We should go warn mother and Cal." I said, then we went into the ship and walked through the halls hand in hand. 

"We've been looking for you, miss." said Lovejoy

"Damn." Is all I responded with, then we entered our room "Here we go." 

I was still holding Jack's hand in the room. 

"Something seriously terrible has happened." I said

"Yes, it has. Indeed, two things dear to me have disappeared. Now that one is back, I know where to find the other. Search him." said Cal

"Excuse us?" I asked, as Lovejoy searched Jack

"Take your coat off, son" said a guy, removing Jack's shirt. 

"Now what?" asked Jack, annoyed, and confused. 

"Would you guys please stop blaming Jack for everything? Can't you see we're literally in the middle of an emergency?" I asked annoyed

"Is this it?" asked Lovejoy, taking necklace?

"That's it." said Cal, getting the necklace

"This is horseshit! Don't you believe it, Y/n, don't!" said Jack

"He couldn't have." I defended

"Easy enough for a professional." said Cal

"But he was with me the whole time, I haven't seen him near the necklace at all" I said

"Perhaps he did it while you were putting your clothes back on, dear." whispered Cal

"Real slick. They put it in my pocket" said Jack

"It is the kind of thing you guys would do. In order for fake evidence" I said

"Shut up!" said Cal

"It isn't even your pocket. "Property of A.L. Ryerson"" read Lovejoy. "That was reported stolen today"

"I just borrowed it, I was gonna return it" said Jack

"Oh, we have an honest thief" said Cal

"Better than a liar. You know, you should really learn to appreciate honesty. At lease he isn't a chicken for admitting what he did unlike you" I said

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