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Wren's POV

"Maeve, you just got a text from work," Finn says the next evening as we are cleaning up the supper things.

Maeve takes the phone from him and sighs, looking back up at him. "Can I call them?"

When Finn gives a single nod, Maeve excuses herself and goes outside while she talks on the phone.

Finn puts the casserole dish away and takes the full trash bag out, throwing it inside the bin in the garage.

When Maeve comes back in, she blows out a breath. "I got a mama Bulldog scheduled for a c-section in two days that just went into labor. Bulldog puppies don't survive natural birth, Finn. I gotta go."

Finn nods as he pulls her in. "Work your magic, Doctor Tettler."

She kisses him quickly as she grabs her bag and leaves, and we can hear her tires peeling out of the drive.

"Of course she would drive like a crazy person," he mutters as annoyance crosses his face.

I take his hand in mine and raise my eyebrows. "We suddenly have the house to ourselves," I whisper as I unbuckle his belt, tugging so he loses his balance a little and stumbles into me.

"Why Wren DeMille...I am NOT a microwave young lady. Ya can't just push a button and make me heat up all quick-like....These things take time...I'm like a crockpot."

I nod seriously as I slip off my blouse and unclasp my bra, making his eyes roam me with a fire behind them.

"You're not a microwave, huh?"

"I'm a crockpot," he whispers as he pulls me in and runs his fingers up and down my spine in a delicious way, making goosebumps erupt all over me.

"You sure?" I ask as I take his hand off of my back and place it over my exposed skin, and his fingers start pressing their own buttons.

He picks me up and I straddle his waist, kissing me hard and passionately. After a moment he sets me down and unbuttons my pants, slipping them off and admiring me in the thong I just bought at Victoria's Secret.

As he admires the view, he spins me around once and then bites back a groan. "Wren, you're turning me into a microwave," he growls as he pulls me into the living room and we make love on the floor, the evening glow engulfing our naked bodies.


When we are done, I wipe some sweat off of his brow and kiss him again. "Although I feel bad for that poor animal, maybe she could take over a few evening shifts once in a while...."

He gives me a sardonic grin as he pulls me over his lap, face down in a position I've never been in before. "You've got more sass than I thought, young lady," he says as he runs his calloused hand over my bottom, and I groan when he slaps me lightly on the butt. He then sits me up on his knee and kisses me once more, smiling at the end like always.

"Let's sit in the courtyard and watch the sunset," he says as he pulls me to stand and I find all of my clothing that was strewn about.

When we sit down outside, I rest my head on his shoulder and swing my legs around until they're draped over his lap. He takes his left hand and holds my legs close against his body, rubbing the side of my thigh over and over.

"I sure love you, Wrennie."

"I love you too."

As we watch the lowering sun, I keep hearing a weird noise. After about ten more minutes or so, it's driving me crazy.

"What is that?" I ask as I move my legs off of his lap and stand up to investigate.

"What's what?"

"You don't hear that weird rumbling sound?" I ask as I look around, ignoring Finn's confused face.

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