"Talking about dickheads..." Beomgyu whispers loud enough for Chanwoo to hear but the latter just ignores him.

"Hi, Taehyun. Can we talk for a bit?" The brown-haired boy asks with a nervous smile on his face and Taehyun just looks at him with no enthusiasm.

"You have to order something to be here, Chanwoo."

"I know, but can we please just talk..." The older tries to convince Taehyun with puppy eyes but the blonde boy doesn't flinch.

"No. As I said before, you have to order something to be here."

"I promise I'll be quick—"

"Your order, Chanwoo." Taehyun demands, the older's name leaving his lips in a harsh tone.

"Please! I just want to talk to you for a bit!" Chanwoo begs and grabs Taehyun's hands, startling him "I need to know why you're ignoring me!"

Before Taehyun could look for a knife to scare the annoying boy wearing a stupid football jacket, Beomgyu clears his throat and points at their hands that were forcefully glued together.

"Excuse me, but let go of him right now" Beomgyu says to Chanwoo's face, ignoring Taehyun's dramatic sigh.

"Yeah? Or what?" The shorter boy asks with an attitude.

"Or I'll make you let go of him myself, mate."

"If you touch me with a single finger of yours, I'll punch you in the face!"

"And if you don't stop grabbing him I'm not sure what I'll do to your face," Beomgyu answers back, his face centimeters away from Chanwoo's.

"Why are you getting so defensive over a boy you don't even like, hum?" Chanwoo raises his eyebrow and Beomgyu lets out an airy laugh.

"I would get defensive over anyone you'll touch with those filthy hands, that's for sure!"

"Just admit that you like him and want to take him away from me! Everyone knows that!" Chanwoo is screaming at this point and Ryujin bows apologetically toward the customers.

"Are you hearing yourself? You sound delusional! You clearly need help!" Beomgyu answers back, genuinely doubting the seriousness of the other boy's statements.

"No, what I need is for you to stay out of my and Taehyun's business!" Chanwoo tightens the hold on Taehyun's hands and Beomgyu looks at him like he's about to kick him.

"Are you that insane to think Taehyun wants to be near you? You're a psycho!"

"And do you think Taehyun will ever like you with that hair of yours? Please, you look like a homeless man!"

"And what makes you sure Taehyun likes shorter guys, hum?" Beomgyu steps on an open wound he didn't know the older had "You don't even fit his type!"

"Of course I do! I know him better than you do, idiot!" He screams.

"No, I live with him, I know him the best!"

"I'll make him move out as soon as we start dating!"

"I feel like I'm losing brain cells with his conversation..." Beomgyu then remembers why he spoke up in the first place and looks at Taehyun's hands "You're going to let go of him right now."

"I won't! If it bothers you so much, why don't you try to take my hands off?" Chanwoo looks at him with a bratty smile and Beomgyu rolls both his sleeves up.

"Try me, bitch."

He gets ready to force Chanwoo's hands away from Taehyun's but the blonde boy releases himself from the older's hold with no difficulty and instantly brushes his hand away. Did they really think Taehyun was that weak? He was clearly stronger than the two boys combined!

"If you're done arguing like a married couple, can you go? I'm getting tired and soon there will be new people in line." He says directly at Chanwoo.

"Why can't I be here and he can?" He whines pointing at Beomgyu and Taehyun sighs in frustration.

"Because he's paying Chanwoo, now get the fuck out!"

Chanwoo gets startled by Taehyun's angry tone and decides that it was best to follow his request as he didn't want to upset the boy any longer.

"This doesn't end here!" He whispers to Beomgyu and leaves the shop with heavy steps, thinking about the apology text he was going to send Taehyun in a few hours.

With Chanwoo gone, the shop became quieter and everyone was thankful for that. Beomgyu looks silently at Taehyun with his guilty shiny eyes but the blonde just lets out a frustrated tsk, not wanting to deal with anything right now.

"I'm taking a break. When I get back I hope you're gone" He says loud enough for Beomgyu to hear and disappears through the back door.

"Don't bother, he gets angry every time Chanwoo comes by..." Ryujin says offering him a warm smile.

"Does that dickhead come here often?" Beomgyu asks with a concerned face.

"Yep, more than you think. I sometimes threaten to call the cops but Taehyun says it won't do any good because he'll start showing up at his house instead."

Beomgyu nods his head and looks at the time; he had to go. He pays for the tea and waves goodbye to his friend, making his way to his next class.

"What a creepy stalker..."

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