"Why does he care so much?"

"I don't know," the boy shrugged. "Anyway, what are you going to do now?"

"I wanna take a nap, but-"


"But the nap doesn't wanna take me."

Inumaki burst out laughing. Seeing him laugh like that, Y/N smiled.

"Let's watch T.V." he suggested. Y/N didn't reply. He turned to see what was wrong. She was staring at the floor. "Y/N?" he called out and received no response in return. He lightly patted her shoulder and she shifted her gaze to him.

"Am I losing my mind?" Y/N asked.

"No," he shook his head.

Shifting into a comfortable position on the couch, she blurted out, "I want to sleep."

"Okay," Inumaki said and said beside her. "I'm going to do a trick. Look at me."

Y/N did as he said.

"Now say, 'make me fall asleep'."

"Huh?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Trust me."

"Alright, make me fall asleep."

"SLEEP!" As soon as the word escaped his lips, Y/N's eyes went shut and her head fell in his lap. Pushing a cushion under her head, he carefully stood up. He brought a top sheet from her room and covered her. He crouched before her face. The innocence he saw filled him with regret. Stroking her hair, he said, "I'm sorry for hating you. I won't let you lose your mind, I promise. Sensei and I will take care of you. You will be on our side this time." He stood up and left.

Y/N woke up at dinner time. When she went into the kitchen for drinking water, she saw a handwritten note stuck on the refrigerator. 'Take your medicines after dinner' was written on it. "Thanks Toge," Y/N said. She obeyed the note and took all the medicines after dinner. The sky was beginning to get dark. She turned on the T.V. to see the headlines. "After a long time, the murders have finally stopped," the male reporter screamed with forced breaths. "Where is the murderer? Has he been caught? Are the police hiding his identity from the world? Stay tuned for more updates."

"What nonsense!" Y/N felt irritated. She switched to another news channel.

"It has been over a week since any murder was reported. Everyone wants to find out about what happened to the killer. Has he fled? Has he been caught? Why did he disappear suddenly? For further news and updates, keep watching-" Y/N turned off the T.V.

"Why don't I remember about it? Why don't I remember what I had been doing for a whole fucking week? Am I really losing my mind?"

At eleven p.m., Y/N stood leaning on a tree, where she saw the mysterious man the previous day, waiting for him to appear again. She had already been standing there for more than half an hour but there was no sign of him. It was midnight when she was about to give up and return, however, she was stopped by the rustling of bushes. 'Should I check?' she thought to herself and turned to right only to find out nothing but complete darkness. She turned around to leave but this time she heard someone whispering. Again looking in the direction of bushes, she started walking slowly. 'Is it him?'

A hand grabbed her wrist, pulled her backwards and pinned her to a thick oak tree. She felt something sharp against her throat. It was a masked man with a knife. Y/N thought that she was going to get robbed. "What do you want?" she asked in a low voice.



"Don't act innocent, lady. You killed my brother."

Sukuna's Psychopath (Sukuna X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now