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"pimon thinks xiao's hiding something from us"

"Whatever do you mean?"

"well when you brought up that mysterious adepti, he shut down the conversation right away!"

"maybe your right pimon but xiao seems to not want us to explore further into this so best we just leave it alone"

"Leave what alone", I jumped into the middle of the two's conversation; a favourite of mine to be honest.

They both flinched hard but non to my surprise, "i-it's that adepti!". The floating figure screeched at me.

"Oh so you were talking about me?", I gave the two a sly smirk this should be fun

"Oh no don't get the wrong idea, just a friend of mine said not to get too close to you"

"oh how sad", I gave a fake frown which quickly turned into a smirk, "is your friend xiao by any chance?"

the floating child gasped at my words, "how did you know!"

"Pimon....", the girls didn't seem to be please with me knowing oh well

"Well I best be going you wouldn't want your friend to see you not caring for his concerns, who knows I could kill you right now but yet you stand there unguarded."

I walked past the two travellers without a second glance.


"so how long are going to follow me around for?", I stopped in my tracks waiting for a response, "would you not agree that it's quite annoying when people spy on you, Xiao?"

"I have some questions for you"

"Ugh that seems like work, I'll pass", I continued on my path though suddenly a firm grip was place on my shoulder. A small grin formed on my lips, "aren't you bold"

"I'm going to ask you again"

"What are you"

"And what are you doing in my nation"

His voice sounded like venom I knew I pushed myself over some line by now.

"There's not much to really know, I'm a yaksha from inazuma", the gripped he had on my shoulder became weak


Ah yes Impossible but yet possible

I was not lying when I said I'm a yaksha though maybe it's not the best way to put it though

After the war only one or two yaksha stood, xiao and Bosacius

Though Bosacius got lost in the chasm, loosing him self

Years later the electro archon sent her men to look for the yaksha body

When they found it you could clearly tell that no spirit though her men were able to track speckles that fell off the main core

Using that and some of her own power I was created I was given the title of yaksha and adepti by my leader with that a vision

My whole life that's all I believed

- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ The Better Adepti ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌Where stories live. Discover now