Prank A.G.

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Y/N's POV:
"Hi guys, today I'm gonna play a prank on Aidan" Y/N says talking to the camera cause she is going to upload this on YouTube. "Don't worry it's not a dangerous prank, I'm gonna prank him by asking for his credit card and pretend to buy a new camera but I am actually going to use my card to pay for it"Y/N says smiling in the camera. But deep down she's nervous and scared to do this prank. "Oh shit Aidan just got home" Y/N says setting up the phone inside a plant where Aidan can't see.

"Hey baby" Aidan says walking into the room

"Hey babe" Y/N says kissing Aidan 🥰

"Hey I have a question"? Y/N says

"Yeah go ahead"? Aidan says

"Can I pls borrow your card for a sec" Y/N asks with her hands together 🥺

"Sure love" Aidan says giving Y/N his card

"Thank you love" Y/N says giving Aidan another kiss on the lips

Y/N quickly and without Aidan knowing grabbed the camera from the plant and hid it from Aidan seeing. Y/N hugged Aidan and left to the mall to go by her camera with "Aidan's card".

"I'll be back" Y/N says leaving 😁

"Ok see ya beautiful" Aidan says 🥰

Y/N leaves and gets in her car and drives to the mall. The problem is, is that Y/N is scared to prank Aidan cause she doesn't know how this is going to go. Y/N turns on the radio to try to stop thinking about it. 10 minutes later Y/N arrives to the mall and she walks inside the electronic store and walks to the camera section. Y/N is standing in front of the cameras deciding which one she wants. An employee sees her and walks up to her.

"Hey do you need any help" ? Jake the store employee says

"No I know what camera I'm gonna buy" Y/N says with a smile 😊

"Ok well if you need anything let me know" Jake says with a smile 😁

"Ok will do" Y/N says

Y/N grabs the camera that she wants and heads to the checkouts. She goes to the register where Jake is and pays for the camera with "Aidan's card". ( in reality she paid with her card😁). Anyways Y/N says thank you while grabbing her bag and leaving the store. Y/N leaves the mall and before going home Y/N decides to grab some vegan burgers and other groceries from the store to make supper at home.

The camera Y/N bought:

Y/N is listening to music on her way home

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Y/N is listening to music on her way home. All she can think about is how Aidan will react when she shows him the camera and says she bought it with "his card". She forgets about it and has her camera recording in the car on the dash hands free.

"Hey guys so I just bought the camera" Y/N says holding the bag to show the camera

"I am so nervous to see Aidan's reaction" Y/N says

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