The thought of losing you Pt.2 - A.G.

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Aidan's POV:
About an hour ago Y/N got rushed into emergency surgery cause she is bleeding somewhere else in her body. I am In the waiting room right now and I am stressed as h$ll. I don't know what to do and I'm scared and worried about Y/N. Every time a doctor or nurse walks by me I feel like they are coming to tell me about Y/N but they aren't. All I want to do right now is run through those surgery doors and run to Y/N's room and hold her hand. I have thought about it but I don't want to be detained or kicked out of the hospital, so that plan is out the window. My leg is bouncing up and down rapidly that is how much stressed I am. I think I am going to get another cup of coffee. I have already had 3 cups already but what would one more do it's not like it would hurt me!? Anyways I get up and grab my third cup of coffee and sit back down and sip my delicious coffee. My parents are on their way to the hospital. They just texted me and said they are 10 minutes away. I just can't lose Y/N just thinking of it makes me tear up and get that burning feeling in my throat. 10 minutes later and I see my parents walk through the doors. I see them and walk over to them and hug my mom first.

"I can't lose her mom" Aidan says while breaking down in his moms arms

"I know hunny" Lauren says rubbing Aidan's back up and down

"It hurts so much" Aidan says squeezing his mom like she's going to vanish if he lets go

"Aidan she will be ok" Lauren says holding Aidan's face in her hands

"Son it's going to be ok" Rob says putting a hand on Aidan's back

"I love her so much dad " Aidan says while giving his dad a hug 🫂

"I know son, I know" Rob says hugging Aidan tight while Lauren and Rob exchange a look of sympathy ❤️‍🩹

Aidan and Aidan's parents go sit down on three chairs. Lauren on the right side, Aidan in the middle and Rob on the left. All three are scared for Y/N. It's been 2 hours since the emergency surgery and none of them have any new updates on Y/N. Aidan is tired of waiting and goes up to the lady at the front desk.

"How is Y/N doing"? Aidan asks

"She's still in surgery" the lady at the front desk says

"I know that but any new updates"? Aidan questions

"No now go sit down I'm sure a doctor will tell you guys soon" the lady at the front desk says

Aidan walks back over to his parents and sits down letting out a sigh of frustration. Aidan's parents go get some coffee. Aidan is sitting In the chair leaning forward with his head pointed downwards and his face in his hands. As Aidan is sitting there in his own thoughts a nurse walks over to him. This is the same time that Aidan's parents get back.

"Are you the family of Y/N"? The nurse asks Aidan

"Yes we are" Aidan says standing up

"Who are you to the patient"? The nurse asks

"Well I am her boyfriend and these are my parents" Aidan says gesturing to his parents

"Ok well right now Y/N is still in surgery but we found out she is bleeding from her stomach" the nurse says

"Ok thanks for the update" Aidan says with a small smile🙂

The nurse walks away and Aidan plops back down in his chair with a huff. He just hates the fact the only update they had was that she was still in surgery. Aidan's parents sit back down by Aidan. Rob pats Aidan back while Lauren runs Aidan's arm while she wraps her left arm around Aidan's shoulder. Aidan leans his head on Lauren's shoulder. Aidan's eyes slowly become heavy and his eyes keep trying to shut even tho Aidan tries to keep them open. Aidan is fighting sleep and the sleep feeling overcomes Aidan as he slowly closes his eyes. Lauren looks at Aidan and smiles a little that Aidan is finally getting some sleep. It's now been 4 hours since Y/N's surgery and Aidan is still sleeping. The doctor walks up to the Gallaghers, Lauren lightly nudges Aidan to tell him to Wake up. He slowly opens his eyes and sees the doctor right in front of them. Aidan stands up waiting for the doctors update on Y/N.

"Hi you must be Y/N's family"? Doctor Gregory asks

"Yes we are" Lauren says

"So how is she" Aidan asks inpatient

"Well we couldn't stop the bleeding the blood got into her lungs, I'm so sorry but she didn't make it" doctor Gregory says with a sympathetic look

Aidan froze up as soon as he heard that. He sits back down trying to comprehend what the doctor just said. She's gone no she can't be gone, this must be a joke she can't be gone Aidan says in a low whisper. No she can't be gone the doctor must be lying Aidan says this time louder than before. Aidan looks at his mom and dad and says "this can't be true tell me this is a prank or a joke". Lauren and Rob don't say anything. Aidan breaks down crying and falls to his knees on the hospital floor, clenching his fist against his chest and crying out " NO NO NO THIS CANT BE TRUE I LOVE HER THIS MUST BE A LIE PLS TELL ME ITS A LIE". Lauren gets on her knees and side hugs Aidan telling him everything will be ok.

"No it won't mom she's gone" Aidan says crying while hugging his mom

"Hunny I'm so sorry" Lauren says crying while hugging Aidan tightly

" mom this can't be true" Aidan says crying more 😭😭🥺

"I'm so sorry I know how much you love her" Lauren says sadly

"Aidan I'm so sorry" Rob says looking down at his son

The three of them walk up to Y/N's room to say their last goodbye. Every step Aidan takes it feels like his heart is being crushed. Aidan has tears continuously falling down his cheeks and he knows the tears won't stop. They finally reach Y/N's hospital room and that's when Aidan's feet stop moving almost like his feet are frozen or super glued to the floor. So Lauren and Rob help Aidan into the room. There in front of them lies Y/n with a tube in her nostrils and her pale looking skin. Aidan can't stand looking at her like this it breaks his heart. Lauren and Rob walk up to Y/N and say there goodbyes. They decide it's best to leave Aidan alone so he can have some alone time to talk to her. Lauren gives Aidan a quick hug before leaving and Rob pats Aidan on the shoulder. Aidan walks up to Y/N and holds Y/N's hands while sitting in a chair.

"Y/N I know you can't hear me but I love you so much and I didn't want this to turn out this way. Please don't leave me I need your here with me I can't lose you I love you too much for that. So please come back, don't die I can't live without you. You know how hard it is to live without you. You are my sunshine, my light, my happiness and my life and without that I have nothing. My parents love you and I love you. You know I was going to ask you to marry me *Aidan says with a small chuckle while pulling a beautiful diamond ring from his pocket* but now I can't even do that. I always thought we would grow old together, I guess not. I love you Y/N L/N so much don't forget that" and with that Aidan stands up and gives Y/N a kiss on the forehead and leaves her hospital room. Little did Aidan know that Y/N's ghost was watching him from the corner

"Aidan I'm sorry I won't be here physically but Ill stand by you in ghost form. Oh Aidan how much I love you. Aidan Ryan Gallagher I will always love you" and with that Y/N walks out of the room and down the hall to a white light waiting for her. Y/N sees Aidan and His parent holding each other while crying. Y/N walks up to Aidan and bends in front of him and kisses his forehead and cheeks and whispers in his ear " I will always be with you and I love you Aidan so much don't forget that". Y/N walks up to the light and walks through it. Y/N vanishes into the white light. Aidan looks up and has a smile on his face. Lauren and Rob think it's weird so they ask " why are you smiling". Aidan looks at them and says " Y/N told me everything will be ok and she will be beside me everyday. Aidan and his parents walk out of the hospital.

Remember this quote: because in the end, when you lose somebody, every candle, every prayer, is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody that you used to care about used to be - unknown

Authors POV:
Hey how are you guys? Sorry if I made you cry. Let me know how you felt about this imagine. I love you guys so much remember to eat and drink. If you ever lost a loved one just remember everything will be ok and if you need to talk my DM's are open :) xoxo 😘

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