"But I've never done that before, why now?" Isabella questioned, according to Daisy, Isabella had always had the ability to do this and it would've been extremely useless in her old pack so why now?

"Sometimes we just need someone to tell us what we are capable of to unlock it in ourselves, with some training I have no doubt you could be an extremely good witch" Daisy grins rubbing Isabella's arm as she shook

"What the hell" Catherine yelled from the door, Isabella had forgotten she had missed the whole conversation previous to this, nobody else knew that Isabella had a magical grandmother so Isabella quickly filled her in with what she knew.

"What could happen to the children? Could they be magical as well?" Catherine asked suddenly intrigued

"Possibly" Daisy replies not even looking at Catherine, there was clearly still a lot of anger between the two women "We won't know until they are older"

"This is just so much to take in" Isabella mutters laying her head on the table she was sat next to "and yet I feel there is so much more to learn"

"We need to know where Daphne is" Catherine says, Isabella thought she might want this information for her own gain but she was right, it was better to know where their enemies were

Daisy sat in silence staring between the two women in front of her before sighing deeply, she stood up and walked over to her cabinet, she began rustling around, the sound of glass bottles clinking as she did so before returning to the table with her arms full.

"What are you doing?" Isabella asks, interest piqued lifting her head up off of the table

"I am going to track my sister" Daisy replies not looking at her as she starts to set up the table with a map, she pours a small glass vial of black looking sand onto the middle of the map and picks up a hairbrush from beside her. Catherine looks at it and grimaces 

"Now isn't the time to be doing your hair" she says with a smirk, once again Daisy refuses to even look at Catherine and also chooses not to respond to her

"To track someone, you must have something of theirs, I have had this hairbrush of Daphne's for many years so a simple stand of hair should do but I need your help Isabella. I haven't done this sort of magic for many years" Daisy explains

"I don't know what I'm doing, how can I help" Isabella shrugs suddenly terrified

"Just hold both of my hands, do not let go until I finish or it can be disastrous" Daisy warns to which Isabella nods and shakily stands up and joins hands with Daisy.

Almost immediately, Daisy starts saying words that Isabella didn't understand but they seemed to find themselves in a wind tunnel, papers around the room started to fly off of the sides  and ornaments starting breaking, it even caused Daisy to look concerned.

"You are extremely powerful Isabella" Daisy mutters almost to herself but she continues with the spell anyway.

Isabella found herself with the pins and needles feeling again and her hands were getting warm, hot even. Daisy continued with the wards and when Isabella looked down she watched as the black sand started to move around the map trying to locate Daphne.

"You'll never find me"

A menacing voice calls out with a cackle behind Isabella, she tries to turn around but Daisy holds onto her hands tighter as a reminder not to let go. Isabella is sure she heard something so looks around the room but can only see Daisy in front her, Catherine can not longer be seen as the wind tunnel increases in it's velocity.

"Isabella, look to your right"

Despite being terrified, Isabella does as she voice asks and can't help the gasp that leaves her lips, in front of her is a young looking woman with raven black hair and almost bright white skin, she is almost illuminating. Without needing to ask, Isabella knew who this was but when she looked back over to Daisy she want continuing with the chant and seemed to be unable to see her sister.

"Leave us alone"

Isabella screams with all of her might, somehow despite being a short distance from Daisy she couldn't hear, it appeared to only be Isabella and Daphne.

"You came looking for me sweetie"

Daphne replies with a smirk that shouts pure evil, Isabella feels her whole body trembling but she tries to shake it away. The last thing she needed was to give this thing the satisfaction that she was scared.

"Because you're evil"

Isabella shouts, she feels the anger running through her veins, this woman was the reason she had grown up without a family, she had been denied the knowledge of her capabilities and now she was causing concern and a lack of safety for Isabella's mate and children, the most important people in her life.

Daphne started to cackle at Isabella, she didn't say anything for a couple of moments as both women looked at the other up and down. Isabella couldn't understand how Daphne appeared to look so young, she didn't like a day over 25-years-old, it took a couple of seconds and almost forehead slapping moment for Isabella to remember: magic, duh!

"YES! You're right, I am EVIL and there is nothing you can do about it. Those children of yours though, they appear very interesting"

Daphne raises her eyebrows at Isabella as a growl leaps from her throat, with all this information Isabella felt like every part of her body and abilities was starting to show itself , she would need all of it if she was going to overcome this threat and the thought of anyone harming a hair on either of her children's head filled her with such a rage that she almost scared herself and the limits she was willing to set to protect them.

"I'll kill you"

Isabella growled, her eyes shining brighter than they ever had before.

"You'll have to come find me first" 

With one final cackle, Daphne appears from sight and Daisy finishes the incantation, the wind tunnel stops and Isabella falls to the floor.

"We need to go home" Isabella panics

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