002 ─ Coincidences

Start from the beginning

" What's the name of the amusement park that you were talking about earlier today..? "

Xiao asked reluctantly

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Zhongli started laughing softly and Xiao became embarrassed and flustered.

" What's all the laughing for?! "
Xiao says in embarrassment

" I'm sorry, its called Mt Tianheng Park. "

Xiao gave a "thank you" Relieving face as a response and went back into his room, he tried to sleep but he was lost in mind. He went out of his bedroom to check if Zhongli was still working, thankfully he wasn't, " He's probably asleep.. " Xiao thought. He went outside for a walk with a simple denim jacket, sweatpants, his phone and earphones to listen to music on the way.

As Xiao walked around the sidewalk, a figure whom seemed to be around the same height with messy braids and seemed to be in a rush bumped into him by accident.

" Holy shit, I am so sorry!! Are you hurt? "

The figure asks as Xiao tried to pull himself together

Everything was dark to Xiao because of how bad the lighting was, he couldn't see the figure but they suddenly pulled out something and a bright light shining straight into Xiao's eyes, causing him to be startled.
Since it shot straight into his eyes, he covered his eyes with his hand and blinked slowly. He could finally see the figure.

" Oh god.. "

" Oh I am so sorry, I didn't mean to have the light go straight into your eyes! "
The stranger apologises for having their phone flashlight flashing right into Xiao's eyes

" No, it's alright, I'm fine. "

" You better be, I don't think I have enough to pay for eye treatment.. "

The stranger says as it made Xiao slightly chuckle, the stranger helped Xiao get up from the floor and both of them stood there in silence until one of them spoke up.

" Well.. Sorry for troubling you, I'm trying to get back home and it looks like the wine really got to me. "

The stranger confessed, implying they were drunk all night. Xiao sighed and thought he could help him go back.

" It's pretty late and quite dark, shall I.. Help you get back safely? "

Xiao asked reluctantly, despite not wanting to do this, he didn't want the stranger to get hurt because of being drunk.

" Heh yeah, sure..- "

The stranger started falling over, Xiao caught em before falling on the ground. " This is exactly what I meant by when I said I wanted to help.. " Xiao said to himself.

" Alright, get back up. "
Xiao helped the stranger get back on their feet.

" Ehehe, thank youuu!! "
The stranger thanks him while clearly being more drunk than he seemed before

" Now just tell me to where you live, I'm not gonna hurt you, just wanna help you get back safely. "
Xiao says as he turns on his phone to look at the map of the city.

" Apartment! "
The stranger shouted

" Which exactly..? "
Xiao asked while getting slightly irritated

" Behind you..! "

Xiao looked back and realised it was his apartment. He was slightly surprised but just thought of it as a coincidence.

" Okay, let's go. "

Xiao dragged the stranger by the wrist and led em to the building, he stopped right in front of the entrance to ask the stranger what floor the stranger lived on.

" What floor? "

" Number three..!! "

The stranger started tipping over again, of course Xiao caught em.

" Okay.. "

Xiao took the stranger to the third floor, him also living on the third floor, he thought it was convenient and just a coincidence once again.

" I'll continue walking down the hallway and by then, you tell me when you see your door number. "

" Yessir!! "
The stranger shouted

Xiao reached his door and the stranger suddenly stopped. Xiao easily found out they were neighbours despite the stranger not having to say anything. And again, Xiao just thought of it as a coincidence.

" Is that your door right there? "
Xiao asked while pointing at the door next to his

" Mhm... Now home!! "

The stranger dragged Xiao to the door and Xiao pulled himself away.

" Okay, have a good night. "

Right as he was about to leave the stranger grabbed him by the wrist, Xiao was slightly alarmed.

" Are you not gonna stay? "
The stranger asks while staring at Xiao

" No, that's your home. "

" Fine.. Whatever! "

The stranger aggressively let Xiao go and shut the door on him, Xiao was confused but ignored it. He just went back into his room while thinking about the recent experience.

" Augh, whatever, I'll just go back to sleep. "

He took off his denim jacket and threw his phone onto his desk, he tucked himself in the bed and went to sleep thinking about what happened recently with the stranger.

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