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Ed sidled up next to where Stede sat scribbling in a leather bound journal, their legs touching as he cocked his head into the other's view.
"You went out late last night," Ed mused, leaning back as he nonchalantly picked at the dirt under his fingernails, "was she pretty?"
Stede choked on the tea he was sipping, setting the ornate tea cup down as he slammed his book shut and subdued his coughing.
"W-what?" He finally croaked out.
"Well you left in the dead of night, alone. Now you definitely weren't going for a drink, you can't hold your liquor. A brothel or mistress is the only other option," He stated as if his conclusions were completely reasonable and factual.
Stede parted his lips to refute his accusations but was accosted once more as the man took his necktie and slowly pulled it in, tightening it to trap him in his unyielding stare as he drawled, "or... you're conspiring with the law to cash in my bounty."
He gulped under the tenebrous irises that pinned him in place, stunned once again by his imposing presence; Edward was so good natured sometimes it was easy to forget the reputation that he had built but in moments like this Stede was reminded.
He daintily picked up the hand that held his necktie and placed it back on the table.
"I don't know what kind of men you've befriended but I'm not a backstabber. And I'm definitely not the kind of man to visit brothels," He huffed, "I was visiting a friend if you must know."
Ed slowly dragged and eye up and down the man he interrogated and he clearly passed his test as he grinned and ruffled Stede's well combed hair making him irritatedly swat his hand away. He seemed relieved though and part of Stede wasn't fully convinced it was because he denied being a traitor.
"Must you always do that?" He dramatically combed the golden curls back into place.
"When you react like that every time, yes. Yes I must. Anyway, we've got to sell all our 'borrowed' goods. Let's head out," Ed affirmed as he rose, flicking up the brim of his hat before adding, "leave your mare here. The fence isn't the most trustworthy and I'm sure many would like to taker her off your hands."

With saddlebags packed fully of all that glitters, the pair set off with Stede sat behind Ed, gripping his shoulders to hang on as the reliable thoroughbred set off into a gallop.
"Either give me a back massage or hold me properly," he sarcastically commanded over the thundering hooves. The blonde gingerly wrapped his arms around his waist, leaning in so close he could still smell the smoke on his clothes and feel the warmth his body generated. He relaxed into it, now used to how close they usually are when at first it caught him off guard. He even found himself missing Ed's touch every time he'd let go or step back. Like at this moment where he waited for Teach to finish negotiating prices with the fence, displeased at the sudden coldness that overcame him when he left.
He came back into view waving a sizeable wad of cash, "our infiltration into high society was a success!"
Stede shook his head when he was handed half of the earnings, "consider this payment for your expert teachings."

"You're one strange man, Stede Bonnet."

"So.... Is that the end of it now? You've taught me everything, we've robbed a place. Finished?"

Ed frowned, "uh well... uhm.... You don't have to go... you can always stick around longer...I'm sure there's plenty more skills you can pick up from hanging around. And you can teach me how to fit in better with you fancy folk so we can rob even grander parties! So what do you say, a partnership?"

Stede glanced down at his outstretched hand and after a moments thought offered up his but it was suddenly grabbed, metal glinting as he sliced his palm. Ed did the same and shook their hands together, droplets of blood staining the ground.
"Partners," He stated.

Back at camp the outlaw gathered his crew and draped an arm around his shoulders as he introduced the men to their new official gang member. Skeptical mumbling rippled through them before one, who Stede recognised as Ivan, piped up "has he gone through the proper initiation yet?"
Whispers of agreement echoed his question. Ed hesitated, torn between fairness for his crew and reluctance to subject Stede to said initiation.
"What's he talking about?" He whispered.

"Ah, well, to ride with us you have to go out a sheriffs badge," he rubbed his neck, "but... you don't have t-"

"Can I get a badge by any means? Or do you mean... y'know, murder?" Stede interrupted.

"Uhm... any means, I guess? But you can't just go and ask, that'll never work."

While Stede ventured on this foolish initiation, Ed anxiously paced like a caged animal, fearing for his friend's well-being. Stede was too gentle to kill a man but most sheriffs were trigger happy assholes who won't give over their shiny symbol of power willingly. He desperately didn't want to send him on that mission; he only made it up on a whim back in the day but now his men would call out favouritism if he saved Stede from undergoing it. He couldn't even face him as blonde gentleman rode away for what could be the last time.
By some miracle, it was not, and he spotted that warm, smiling face as he approached triumphantly flashing a glinting badge. Ed surged towards him and swept him into a hug as they spun, overcome with relief and pride.
"You did it!" He exclaimed.

"I did it!"

"I'm so proud of you!"

Ed squeezed Stede one more time before allowing him to receive his praise from the rest of the men as they hurried him to the table for a celebratory drink. Izzy brought over a bottle of gin and two glasses and slammed them down with a smirk, "right, Stede fucking Bonnet, lets test your metal. See if you can out-drink me."
Stede felt Ed place a hand on his arm as he gave him that usual sympathetic glance of 'you don't really have to do this' but he reassured him with a smile and plopped down opposite Izzy Hands. Some stubborn, irrational part of Stede felt he had something to prove to Edward; he wanted to show he was tougher, that he could keep up with him and earn his respect. Which is why he was accepting all these challenges, he wanted to show he was more than some rich boy playing pretend Wild West.

The sharp scent of the gin hit his nose as he brought the glass up to his mouth, his lips fighting back as he parted them to gulp down the burning liquid in one. His whole body recoiled against the taste but he steeled himself and brought down the glass down to allow for Izzy to pour him another. They never broke eye contact as they threw back drink after drink, both as unrelenting and competitive as each other. But Stede was faltering. He could feel his eyelids droop, his arms move slower and his throat numb to the burn of the gin. As he slammed down another glass with a little too much force, the glass fractured and a sharp point sliced his fingers. He looked down at the crimson that suddenly covered his hand as his mind attempted to catch up with what just happened. The bandages over the cut on his palm from earlier were stained red again as blood seeped into them.
"That's it. I'm calling it. Izzy is the winner," Ed announced as he wrapped an arm around Stede and guided him back to his tent despite the men's disappointed shouts. Sitting them both down on the bed, he took his wounded hand and wrapped fabric around it, pressing down to stop the bleeding.
While Ed tended to him, Stede seemed enraptured by his face and the way the warm candlelight caused the shadows cast by his defined features to dance. With his free hand he reached up and tenderly tucked the long strands that fell over Edward's face behind his ear, his fingers lingering on his cheek as their eyes met. They stayed frozen in that moment before Stede's head lulled into his chest, knocking them both back into the bed. Ed nudged him but soon realised he was out cold, his dead weight holding him in place as he slept on top of him. Accepting his fate he relaxed into bed , a smile even tugging at his lips as he gently dragged his fingers through Stede's honey waves; it was as soft as velvet, softer than anything he had felt before.

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