"Take a deep breath for me."

He did. Given his new position, they were now face to face. She could feel his breath on her cheek.

She listened for a moment, before taking the stethoscope off her ears.

"Lungs sound good to me." She sighed. "I really wish I could do an x-ray or a scan or anything."

"I can't."

"I know. I just - wish."

Anya looked through the first aid kit again. She handed the man a bottle of pain killers. "I wish I had something better."

So many wishes.

She walked over to her sink, grabbing a cup from the cupboard above it.

She filled the glass, offering it to the vigilante. She stood a few feet back from him.

"Thank you."

Anya watched as his hands, she hadn't noticed he'd taken his gloves off, twisted the bottle's cap open. She watched him shake out two of the pills, then pop them in his mouth, followed by a sip of water.

Her eyes trailed to his torso. He was muscular, as one could expect from someone who spent their nights chasing down murderous criminals.

When she looked back up, catching the vigilante's eyes, she had to fight a blush from appearing on her cheeks.

She told herself she was observing his bruises, not his chest.

Purely professional.

"Most of these should clear up in about a week, maybe two. Some longer." She looked down at the one by his waistband; she was sure it had to cover the majority of his hip. "I have ice." She gestured to the blue ice pack next to the man on the table. "But that's about it."

"Thank you."

"It's my job."

"It really isn't. I owe you one."

"You saved my life." Anya countered.

"And you saved mine. Twice."

"I have some, um, spray," She moved to change the subject, uncomfortable with praise. "for that scrape. Let me, um, find it."

She excused herself, buzzling over to the hallway, into her bathroom. She returned with an antibiotic foam and washcloth.

Anya stopped in front of the man. She sprayed a bit of the foam onto the washcloth, and gingerly pressed it just below his chest muscles.

They stood there, observing Anya's hands as she made wiping motions with the cloth, attempting to cover the entire scrape.

Anya looked up. She was closer, mere inches away from his face. Intimate.

Her breathing hitched.

The man looked down at her.

It was sudden.

Anya could swear he moved first, but soon she was, too, and their lips met in a kiss.

It wasn't long before she let the washcloth drop.

The man's hands found their way behind her head, deepening the kiss, and she wrapped her own arms around his neck.

She felt his tongue lick her bottom lip, and she internally moaned, but the image behind her eyelids was not that of the Batman.


The mere thought of the man was like having cold water dumped on her.

She pulled back, suddenly; eyes wide. "I-"

"Did I do something wrong?" The Batman asked, concerned.

Anya shook her head. "No, I, um. There's just... it's... there's somebody else."

"A boyfriend?"

"No. He's- he's not my boyfriend, but I like him- a lot, and I just, I can't do this to him. I'm sorry."

The Batman stood. "I shouldn't have assumed."

"It's not your fault. I kissed you back, it's just.. I can't."

The Batman nodded. "I should get going anyway. Sunrise will be coming."

"No, you don't have to leave."

"I should."

Anya watched helplessly as the man put the top portion of his suit on. It was an agonizingly slow process. She watched as he made his way to the fire escape, still obviously battling the pain of his bruises.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, weakly.

"Don't be. I'm sure your guy is... great."

He was gone.

Anya shut the window, letting out a loud groan.


Had she looked down at the street just a few meters from the alley her apartment window overlooked, she would have seen him.

Hunkered beneath a streetlight.

He pulled the phone from his hoodie's pocket.

He typed quickly then began walking.

This was just too good.

Batsy has a girlfriend.

You won't believe who it is.


Author's Note: I need to work on spacing out my uploads, but as soon as I write something, I want to share it with you guys! I know your thoughts are probably wild after this chapter, so let me know what you're thinking! ALSO: I just uploaded chapter one of a The Mandalorian fanfiction if any of you are interested. I don't know when my next chapter will be up, but probably soon, since I'm procrastinating studying for my final. P.S. You should follow me for future fanfictions. I really love Marvel, Star Wars, and DC (obviously), and I have a lot of fanfic ideas. Remember to heart this chapter, comment your thoughts, and add it to your library - C

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