Chapter 2: The Dream

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Key update: 

Dream sequence

    She had been traveling for hours, making her way to plains using the map. It had turned out she has gone in exactly the wrong direction before, and somehow ended up near volcano! She decided to lay down for a nap in the safety of a cave..

        I was going to die. I knew it. Bubbles The Destroyer had me in her grasp, and I would be another victim to her icy attack.

    "Time to die, hero! If I can even call you that." I tensed up as ice came flying at me.. but it never hit. I realized something was coming out of my mouth! It had hit the ice, stopping it in its tracks. It was so colorful, blues and pinks and greens making it up with cloud-like shapes spinning out the end.

    "A breath attack?! God, how annoying. Well, I guess I'll just have to wear it out.."

    We fought for what seemed like hours, when I realized I was too tired to fight back. The ice hit me, and..

    "AH!" I woke with a scream. Oh, I didn't actually die! It was a dream! I wonder what that was? I felt something sticky on my fur and looked down. "What the heck is that?" There was a colorful bit of goop stuck to my paw. The same color as the attack in my dream.. was that dream a warning of some kind? It couldn't be, I'm not a prophecy creature. But what is it..

    I walked out of the cave to wash my paw off. I stopped walking for a moment, thinking. God, I feel so stupid, but I have to at least try. 

    I made movements like I was going to puke something up. "Blech! Huh-?" A very small colorful string of liquid came out of my mouth and landed on the floor. "What?!" I was frozen in place. It can't be real. I'm still dreaming, I'll wake up any time now. Right? I stood for a bit longer and realized I was, in fact, not dreaming. 

    "I.. have a breath attack? But Dandelion told me there was only two types.. I'll have to ask around when I reach a friendly pack. Oh yeah, I still need to clean my paw off." I continued walking toward the pond and reached it.

    I placed my paw in the water and swished it around. The water was warm, but salty. Oh yeah, this is an ocean! Not a lake. By now my paw was better. I rose from my crouch and headed over to get my map before continuing my journey. 

    But there was a yieper stealing it! "Hey, get back here!" I sped after it.

    I eventually caught up to it and snatched the map out of its beak. "Oh! Haha, I was just playing around! Please don't hurt me!" I shook my head. "Fine. But do that again and I won't be so merciful." It nodded and skipped away quickly.

    Now that I had my map back I could continue my journey. I said a quick goodbye to my cave, and ran towards the horizon.


    "What do you mean, a prophecy!?" 

    "Y-yes! I heard word there's a prophecy going around about some do-gooder pup trying to stop the war!"

    "We need to stop them. Get me them at whatever costs."

    "Yes, Bubbles."

I wanted to add a little bit about Bubbles this time, but don't worry I'll also add a bit about Lilac sometime! It's kinda hard to explain why without spoilers but I wanna wait until later to introduce them, but they will make an entrance. That's all for this time, bye!
Word count: 516

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