Chapter 1: The Pack

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Very mild language warning

    She had been walking for about an hour now. It was then that she realized: 

    "Crap, I'm lost." This isn't good. I wish I had some sort of map.. maybe I can find one? But I'd have to find some sort of civilization for that. So, I'll just keep walking.

    I walked and walked for what seemed like an eternity, when I finally stumbled upon a cave. Inside the cave were about 20 rukig. They were all colored with browns and crèmes, and they were all looking at me. 

    "Who are you?!' "You aren't from this pack, get out!" "Hell, what pack are you from?! Your colors aren't familiar at all!" I was startled when I realized I was being surrounded. But suddenly a large elder rukig pushed through the crowd and looked at me. 

    "Let her go. I wish to talk to her." The pack grumbled at her, but obliged. "Hello dear. I'm sorry my subjects were so harsh with you, they're not used to outsiders. What might your name be?" I managed to talk. "I-Indigo." She hummed. "A pretty name, I am alpha Dandelion. Where are you from?" "I live alone, I only left because something.. important came up." 

    She tilted her head. "Oh? What might that be?" I didn't really want to tell her that yet. Quick, think of a lie! "U-uhm, I ran out of supplies. I came looking for a map since uh.. I want to know where good food areas are marked?" 

    "Lies.." I heard someone in the crowd mutter. Alpha Dandelion narrowed her eyes. "Hush, be nice to our guest." Now I felt bad for both lying and trying to get something from them. But I can't trust them yet, not before I know them a bit better. 

    "Do you want something to eat? We have a plentiful supply of food." I wanted to decline, but I had been traveling for hours now with nothing to eat. I hesitantly nodded. "Alright, follow me." We started walking into a passageway.

Timeskip to after the meal

    That was a surprisingly good meal. "What was that?" "Oh, we have a large supply of morinus meat. It's our main meal choice." Hmm, I've never had that before I don't think. I'll have to keep note of it. 

    Maybe I can trust them with my newfound secret.. "Hey, I have to come clean about something." "Go on.." Alright, here we go. "I recently received word from an amolis that I'm a part of a prophecy to stop a war. The one between the River Pack and the Icicle Pack?" 

    She froze. A look that seemed to be a mixture of realization, confusion, and fear crossed her face. "Was the amolis named Starjumper?" I nodded. "Yes, why?" "Starjumper comes here often for trading and news. The Soil Pack doesn't leave the cave very often, save for scouts, so that's how we get caught up. We've heard about that prophecy and have been waiting for it to come true." 

    This is helpful. Maybe she knows some important info? But she'd only know what Starjumper knows, and Starjumper had nothing. "I can give you some info if you want?" Huh? What? But Starjumper said she didn't know anything about the war? 

    "How do you know about it? She said she didn't know anything about the war besides what her visions and prophecy magic showed her?" Dandelion chuckled. "Prophecy creatures have sworn not to interfere with their prophecies more than needed. I pay Star with protection to give us info about the world. She knows quite a bit about rukig drama." Huh, interesting. 

    "Alright, what do you know?"

    "Where do I start.. alright, so a very long time ago two alpha rukigs went to war. It was all because Bubbles, the leader of the Icicle pack, wanted to expand her territory into flower cove where Lilac rules. What she didn't know is that although Lilac hates fighting and causing pain, they're quite a good general and alpha when needed. The war has lasted 10 years now, and Bubbles won't back down. If you want to stop the war, you'll have to stop Bubbles. She's the only one who wants the fight to continue.

    OH! Another important note is that both alphas have a special and rare ability called breath attacks. Lilac has a type known as Haunt breath which inflicts poison, and Bubbles has a type called ice breath which inflicts heavy amounts of damage. Some call the two of them "The Elements of Power" because of those abilities. Whew, that was a lot to say!"

    It was a lot to take in. Apparently some people can use breath attacks when they're not that type of species. Also, what's with the name "Bubbles?" It isn't that threatening, I wonder why she hasn't changed it or something. 

    "Do you still need a map? We have a few collected, they'd be better use to you than us." I nodded. "Thank you so much, is there anything I can do to repay you?"

    "Stop the war. Save the poor armies fighting for their lives against their will." I nodded again. "Alright, I'll try my best."


    After I collected the map, I had said my goodbyes to Dandelion. She was so kind for such a ruthless pack, I hope she has a good life. "Well, time to head.. north!"

Alright, that's that chapter! Just a fun fact, the Soil Pack is kind of like, uses old outdated words for things since they haven't been an outside pack for a long time and haven't seen others besides themselves. That's why they use words like "Alpha" instead of leader. I hope you enjoyed this one, but that's it for now. Bye!

Word count: 896

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