Chapter 16: The Zeno Expo part 3,

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The rematch of the century Goku vs Naruto part 2, Team recruitment part 1

Naruto rushed at Goku with incredible speed that it took the Saiyan by surprise and had only time to block a flying kick that still knocked him back and almost made him tumble but caught his balance. He looked up quickly to see Naruto coming down with an axe kick that he manages to block but the force behind made Goku kneel and a crater formed beneath him.

Naruto flipped back and flew towards Goku again who bent backwards dodging another flying kick. Turning around he manage to evade a sidekick following by another kick that almost connected his face, but Naruto still spun around catching him off and struck this time to the chest which sent him back, he winced at the pain but didn't show it.

Naruto continue to rush an assault and landed a corkscrew kick that knocked Goku down, as he kips back up Naruto went for a low kick but didn't expect a punch to the chest which forced him back. now it was Goku on the assault, however Naruto kept up with the strikes and blocked each of them, a kick slipped through him and connected his chest which drove him back.

Goku didn't let up and continued his strikes at Naruto who was keeping his guard up until he retaliated with his own punches that too were blocked and then a jumped spinning kick but Goku back flipped away before charging again as the two began exchanging punches and kicks but were blocking one or the other.

Naruto caught Goku's arm and quickly threw left and right elbows that he was blocking however the earth Saiyan didn't see the knee that connected his abdomen which pushed him back, Naruto was not finished and charged while connecting a rising knee to the chest which would have made him stumble back.

Naruto grabbed the back of his head and pulled the Saiyan forward and delivered fast repeated knees to the body. Goku eventually broke out of the hold and went for a roundhouse kick but the Majestic Saiyan flew back and landed on a pillar.

Goku looked up to see Naruto who had a small smirk. "You know I figured that this power would match against your god form, so I think you should turn it up a notch."

Goku gave a small smile. "You sure about that?" He asked, although looking at the eyes of the Majestic Saiyan he meant it. "Alright then." He got in his stance and began to power up as he shouted and his red KI energy had intensified but it then started to slowly change to a green color but the Saiyan kept pushing as his energy was flaring around him until then he gave a final shout which released a blast of wind as his intense energy changed to blue as did his hair which was spiky as a SSJ.

"Looks like this battle is about to get interesting." Beerus said.

"Your right about that Beerus-Sama. It'll be interesting to see how far this Majestic SSJ4 can push Goku now that he's in his blue form." Said Whis.

Goku looked up with his hard-blue eyes locked on to Naruto's. Both men got in their stance and were ready to resume their battle, they flew towards one another with their energy flaring around them, once they got close both threw a right punch which connected each other sending a small shockwave.

They flew around in the air exchanging attacks and sending one punch to the other pushing one back, the resumed closing exchanging fast punches until Naruto swung around with a kick which struck Goku making him flip far back, Naruto followed with another punch sending him back again.

Goku took high unto the air and fired a quick Kamehameha which Naruto evaded, he didn't give up and started to shoot blue KI blast that the Majestic Saiyan still was evading until he fired back. Flying faster towards Goku, he struck him across the face which sent him crashing into a pillar.

Sensing danger, Goku broke out and just dodged a punch which shattered the pillar and collapsed. The two had once again flew towards one another and exchanged blow after blow which pushed one another back. They started to pick up speed as they vanished and appeared all over the arena. Mini shockwaves were seen all over the place.

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