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I literally go to sleep, wake up with 100 new views, go to school, come back to 200 NEW VIEWS, 300 VIEWS IN A FRICKIN DAY??? I LOVE YOU GUYS, MY MOST IMPRESSIVE RANKING IN UNDER A WEEK OF THIS BEING RELEASED??? YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME

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I literally go to sleep, wake up with 100 new views, go to school, come back to 200 NEW VIEWS, 300 VIEWS IN A FRICKIN DAY??? I LOVE YOU GUYS, MY MOST IMPRESSIVE RANKING IN UNDER A WEEK OF THIS BEING RELEASED??? YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME

Don't worry, I'm making the next scenario, it was requested by QueenxOfxRats so yuh, still writing sorry guys lol. BUT I LOVE YOU GUYS, 1K READS IN UNDER A WEEK? MAYBE?? 🤨🤨

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