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   I saw Feds coming our way. "Federation 300 meters!" I yelled.I got my gun and started to shoot at them. "There's to many of them." Keegan said I hate to agree but there is to much.
   "Give up, your surrounded." A Federation guy said. I looked at Keegan and saw that he was giving up. "What are you crazy? They're going to kill us!" I yelled at him. I heard a gun clicked right next to my head.
   "Make a wise decision boy." Federation said. I dropped my gun. "That's more like it. Take them away but separate pits." He said. "NO." I yelled trying to stuggle against his grip.The guy knocked me out and Keegan out. "KEEGAN, LOGAN." I heard Merrick brother named Taylor.  (A/n this is four you @taylordainellautner) "Let them go you mother fucker." He yelled. "Take him away to. Put him with either Logan and Keegan. We have a fun plan for them. Broke them slowly and painful." He said.
   "WHAT NO?!? RUN TAYLOR." I yelled at him. But it late and they captured him to.

A/n @taylordainellautner I hope this is good for you.
A/n I will update more when I have the time. I got to go. Bye people

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