Chapter 11~Love at first fight~

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They both stood silently sending each other death glares. Prince Thomas was surprised that a peasant would send him such glares. But he soon got fed up with Fire's audacity. "Kill her," he ordered his guards, but they didn't move. "I said kill her!"
The soldiers looked at one another before gathering their confidence and approached the green eyed girl.
"I dare you to take one step closer" she said her voice sharp and filled with power.

And they stop. Their feet glued to the ground beneath them. Thomas gives his soldiers an unhappy look before he says " Your heads would look better on my wall don't you think." The soldiers look at their feet ashamed. Thomas then shifts his gaze to the brave or most likely insane girl challenging him. "You don't seem very afraid" he says his eyes unraveling her. "You don't seem very frightening"
"Tom" . His eyes grew wide at her statement, how dare she call him 'Tom'. "How dare you call me that?!" he yelled. "HOW DARE YOU DEMOLISH OUR HOMES?!" She yelled back immediately. She heard Mrs. Wilson's gasp and to be honest it wasn't only Mrs. Wilson who gasped.

Suddenly she could see the whole village watching her in shock. She could see Erik whose eyes were already welling with tears at her fate. She could see Fergus her best friend that had just arrived at her village to spend the next years together, standing with his eyes wide open in disbelief. She could see the platinum-headed boy William who was next to his mother with Fire's axe in his hands.
She could also see little princess Emma standing fearfully next to the guards.

without saying another word he pulled his silver sharp sword and approached Fire with wide steps. When he was close enough he swung his sword in an attempt to slit her throat but luckily she was able to take a quick step back, causing her to dodge his attempt.

"WILLIAM!" She shouted signaling him to pass her, her axe. William understood her signal and threw her, her axe. She caught the heavy axe successfully, and once she did Thomas attacked her.

The clashing sounds of the metallic blades were all the people could hear for the next minute. In the middle of this heated duel, Fire glanced over prince Thomas's shoulder to see princess Emma shaking in fear of losing her brother. Immediately Fire gave Prince Thomas a push kick causing him not to fall but take a few steps back.

"I'm not doing this here...not in front of children," she said in between gasps. She then placed her thumb and index finger inside her mouth and whistled loudly. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He yelled with rage ruling his voice. She then saw Freedom her black Friesen horse sprinting towards her. "I'm taking this somewhere else!" she shouted as she ran towards Freedom meeting him in the middle. She then jumped onto his bareback and he sprinted towards the forest.

Without hesitation, The cold hearted prince rode his milky white horse and chased after her. Not because he wanted to kill her but because he was hungry for seeing more of her fighting skills. He was thirsty of knowing more about the green-eyed girl. She sure did impress him in so many ways. He was chasing after his desire.

She was now in the middle of the forest, she could hear his horse behind her only a couple of meters away.
She didn't expect king Henry's spoiled son to fight this good and to be that tough. She had to admit that he was the best she had ever fought.

She could hear the sound of his horse's hoof coming closer so she instantly grabbed an arrow from her quiver and looked behind her aiming at him and shot her arrow. She was surprised to see that he had caught her arrow in the air and snapped it in half.

Before she could process what had just happened she could feel that Freedom was no longer stable or balanced, he was running at an insane speed that she couldn't control. "Freedom...FREEDOM!" she shouted but that only made him more nervous.

At this moment she wished she had a leash on him. But the truth was she didn't and she had completely lost control by now. Freedom's nervous aggressive movements caused Fire to fly off his back and crash face first on the dirty grass.

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