"I figured life's a gift, I don't intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you'll get dealt. You learn to take life as it comes at you. Here, Cal." said Jack, as he threw a lighter at Cal who was about to smoke. "Make each day count."

"Well said, Jack." said Molly

"Hear, hear" said a man

"To making it count" I said, as I lifted my glass, and everyone repeated. 

I was now telling Jack what they do, step by step, so he doesn't get confused. 

"May I escort you back to the cabin?" asked Cal

"I'll stay here, thank you" I said

"Joining us, Dawson? You don't want to stay with the women." said a man

"No, thanks. I have to head back" said Jack

"Ah" said the man

"That's for the best. It'll be all business and politics. Wouldn't interest you. But, Dawson, good of you to come" said Cal, passing his lighter back to Jack. 

"Jack, must you go?" I asked, as he came up to me

"Time for me to row with the other slaves. Goodnight, Y/n" said Jack, and kissed my hand again before he left. Except, he put a little note in it. 

I opened it up:

Make it count. 

Meet me at the clock. 


I excused myself, saying I was tired after dinner, and went to Jack, whom I met at the clock :)


As I went up the stairs, he turned to me. "So, you, wanna go to a real party?"

We then went to this place full of music and poor, but fun people. Gosh, I wish I was like them, it sometimes is annoying to be rich. 

Some guy was speaking Swedish to me. I couldn't understand him. 

"Sorry, sir, I can't understand you" I said, then I grabbed a drink and drank it. Ofc, didn't finish it though. 

Jack was dancing with a little cute girl, I was just watching them, smiling to myself. 

Then Jack told the little girl that he'd dance with me now. She understood. 

"Come on." said Jack, I laughed and went with him. We got on the dance floor where everyone else was dancing. 

"We're gonna have to be a little closer. Like this" he said, as he brought me closer by my waist, and our chests were touching....damn-

Jack looked at the little girl who was looking at us in jealousy "You're still my best girl, Cora."

The little girl smiled

"I don't even know how to dance" I said, making her laugh. 

"Alright, let's do this" I said, and we randomly just started to dance and spin. 

He then got us on the dance floor, and did a little random tap dancing. I then laughed, took off my shoes, and did the same thing. We then inter winded our hands, and spun. We then crossed our hands, and held them like that, and spun. 

You Jump, I Jump. (Titanic | Jack Dawson X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now