"I can't believe you are alive! I saw you die. I mourned you, I cried for you" Thor said to his brother once we were back at the palace.

"I'm honored?"

"could you two save the family reunion for later? " Stark interrupted them. "we have things to discuss," he added impatiently

With a final glare from Thor to his brother, he finally paid attention to the avengers

"Not to be rude, but... why are you guys here? " Thor asked bluntly

"So...we met this girl " Stark said pointing at me, "and she basically told us that in a few years we were all going to die."

"Not everyone" I whispered, but the statement went ignored

"-and half the universe is going to disappear at the hands of some guy named Thanos which brings us here. We are gathering allies and we needed you to fight by our side and to know if we counted with Asgard armies too, So... you're in?" asked Stark.

"And are you sure she is telling the truth? " Thor asked "No offense lady you look like a good individual. I'm just asking to be sure" Thor added quickly, afraid he might have insulted me

I shrugged. "It's okay is a fair question. If I were you I will be unsure, too" I said

"At first, I thought she was lying but... yes, she is telling the truth" Stark said

Thor glanced back to his brother. "do you believe her" Thor asked

Loki looked surprised he was being included in the conversation. It was a barely noticeable look but it was there, quickly he recovered and put on a put on a stoic look again 

"I do brother, I have spoken with her and I haven't seen any deceit so far" Loki said

"Then I'm in. What do we have to do?" Thor asked.

"Now we have to find your father," I said

"do we have to convince him to help too?" Sam asked

"Do not worry my friend I'll take care of that" Thor assured "Now" his voice became more stern "Where's father Loki?" Thor asked

"Calm down, I know exactly where he is" Loki said

"He left him in a retirement home!" Sam said with wide eyes

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"He left him in a retirement home!" Sam said with wide eyes

Thor sighed "Then we will go to earth"

"Great, when are we leaving?" Stark asked eagerly.

"I don't believe you don't like being here. I mean it is not every day you get to see a different world" Natasha said to Stark

"I probably would have enjoyed it more if the circumstances would have been  different" Stark admitted

"My friends, I suggest leaving now" Thor interrupted abruptly their conversation

We all start to move instantly to pack the little things we had to leave as soon as possible

Switching Worlds - Loki x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя