"I love you"

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-Spencer 3rd Person Pov-

Reid awoke to a soft clatter coming from his kitchen. He sat up, confused. He stood up, exiting his space of privacy and began walking down the hall.

He quickened at the sound of a large thud coming from the same direction. Spencer ran into the kitchen and his eyes widened in fear as he saw (y/n) on the floor. He fell to the floor and quickly grabbed the (h/c)-haired male up in his arm as he called an ambulance.

"Fuck.. Come on, hurry up and answer already!" Spencer shouted in frustration as the phone rang.

"911 what's your emergency?" The woman at the other end spoke in a manner that made it seem like a script. Which it was.

"I need an ambulance!" He shouted quickly, "As fast as possible!"

"Sir, what's going on, please try to calm down." The lady responded, concerned.

"My friend, he cut his arms and they're bleeding out. The blood is white, please fucking hurry!" He shouted angrily.

"There's someone on their way. Stay on the line please."

Reid began applying pressure to (Y/n)'s arms to try and at least slow the bleeding. Tears began to weld up in the brunette's eyes as he desperately tried to keep his (e/c)-eyed friend alive.

"Please, don't leave. God damnit..." Reid spoke softly, "You can't die, not like this. God... I love you..."

The sound of sirens grew closer and soon enough people were flooding into the room to save (y/n).

One of the doctors spoke, "Sir, I'm gonna need you to back away so we can help."

Reid hesitantly moved away and watched from the corner of the room. As they took (y/n) to the ambulance, Spencer followed close behind.


(Y/n) 1st person pov

I woke in a bright room. I looked around groggily and soon realized that I was in a hospital room. I winced as pain in my arms became unbearable. I then realized my arms were bandaged up in gauze.

I continue to search around the room and eventually notice Reid asleep in the recliner beside my bed. I smiled softly at the sight of the handsome brunette. However, my smile swiftly faded as I remembered the events of the night before.

It was only then I realized why the bandages were covering my arms.. I frowned and cursed at myself. I wasn't upset because of what I did, I was upset because Spencer had to see it.

I sighed and very carefully ran my fingers through my (h/c) hair.

(Time skip brought to you by : Luca )

It had been about two weeks, my cuts had finally healed up enough so that I could leave the hospital. I was sitting in the hospital room, waiting for Reid too come pick me up. I was in genuine shock they didn't make me go to a mental hospital. However, Reid did try to talk me into it.

I was suddenly startled by a familiar voice, "(Y/n), are you ready to go?"

I look to the door of my room. Spencer's tall, lanky figure stood, leaning against the door frame. I nodded and stood up, walking over to him.

We walked down to the lobby, where I signed out and retrieved my things. They had already given me my clothes, i just need my hoodie back that they took from me. I grabbed the brown, paper bag that contained my things and began to carry them out but was stopped by Spencer's, surprisingly, strong hand.

"I'll carry it for you," he said in a caring voice, taking the bag before I had the chance to deny the offer.

I smiled softly up at the brunette. He made me so happy, and I wouldn't deny for a second that I love him. Right before we got out to the car, that's  when I decided I would tell him that I love him. Just as soon as we got home.

That's when it hit me, I didn't even know where I was going. Spencer didn't ever clarify if I was going to my place or his.

"Hey, Spencer?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah?" He responded at the same tone.

"Am I staying with you again?" I asked, a soft blush creeping its way to my cheeks.

He glanced back for a moment before looking forward again, unlocking the car, "Do you want to?"

I hesitated before answering nervously, "Y-yeah..."

"Alright then, yes you're staying with me tonight." He grinned as he opened the door, putting my things in the back seat.

I smiled and got in the passenger's side beside Reid. We drove home in a comfortable silence. However, my silence was for a particular reason. I was silently mapping out a plan as to how I would tell Reid my feelings for him. I finally figured it out, and just as I did, we pulled up to where he lived.

"Time to execute the plan," I thought, my face flushing red.

"Hey, Reid?" I asked, turning myself to face him.

"Yeah?" He responded, looking towards me. When I didn't respond his expression contorted to one of confusion, "You oka-"

I grabbed his tie and cut off his words by crashing my lips into his. To my surprise, his hand gently drifted to rest upon my cheek as he quickly faded into the kiss himself.

I pulled away, looking him dead in the eyes and said, "I love you, Spencer Reid.

💕 Distracted By A Pretty Boy 💕 ~~ Spencer Reid x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now