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A/N - You'll need that generator again! Beware: This section is really long.

Eye Color - Generator from 1 - 5

1 - Amber

2 - Yellow

3 - Green

4 - Blue

5 - Brown/Hazel

Pelt Color - Generator from 1 - 10

1 - Cream

2 - Black

3 - Brown

4 - White

5 - Russet

6 - Golden

7 - Ginger

8 - Silver

9 - Blue-gray

10 - You choose!

Markings - Month of birth

January - Tabby stripes

February - Splotches

March - Swirls

April - Flecks

May -  Tabby stripes

June - Splotches

July - Swirls

August - Flecks

September - Tabby stripes

October - Splotches

November - Swirls

December - Flecks

Color of Markings - Day of birth

1 - 10: Lighter than pelt

11 - 20: Darker than pelt

21 - 31: Your choice!

Extras (Optional) - Hair color

Blond - Mittens

Brown - Socks 

Black - Tail rings 

Ginger/Red - Points (muzzle, ear tips, tail tip, paws)

Dyed - You choose!

Other - Pick 2

Color of Extras (Optional) - Your eye color

Blue/Green - Black

Hazel/Brown - White 

Other - You choose!

Fur length - Your hair length

Long hair - short fur

Medium-length hair - Long fur

Short hair - Medium-length fur

Build - Generator from 1 - 5

1 - Lithe, light build

2 - Large, strong build

3 - Tall, slim build

4 - Short build

5 - You choose!

Gosh, this was long! Ripplewish is a large, strong, long-furred dark gray tom with amber eyes, lighter tabby stripes, and black mittens. What did you get?

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