chapter three - sour with a sweet twist

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It was a few weeks since she'd landed back in Afghanistan, the horrors getting worse daily, far worse than they had ever been. Everyone was struggling, some more visibly than others.

Two that forever stood strong in the rubble of war were Sam and Quinn.

Well, outwardly they did.

It was only in the recent hours where they had seen a school of children being blown up did they seem to break slightly outwardly. The scattered limbs, the blood stained wood, the cries of the dying children. Noone was prepared for it. It was enough for the hardest to crack and show what they were feeling underneath slightly. They did. Everyone saw the pair, their gritted teeth, the quick wipe of a tear as they retreated after they had done all they could.

That night, they were closer than ever, recognising each other's pain without words.

A knock at the door, they looked up in sync.

A squaddie walked in, and offered a bottle. Sam and Quinn knew it was forbidden but after the day they'd had, they accepted. "You can share, right?" Their squaddie asked, their southern accent ringing through the room. Quinn nodded, "Of course, thanks." They held out their hand for it and he handed it over before he walked off, closing their door.

Quinn opened the bottle, "It's beer," they said, Welsh accent shining through. Sam smiled gently, "you can have first swig." She smiled, impersonating their Welsh accent badly. Quinn laughed and took a swig before handing it to their mate, sighing. Sam took a swig, "Jesus, I needed this" she smiled, leaning back on her elbows before taking another swig.

After going back and forth for a while they finished the bottle, messing around with each other, their normal banter. The bottle was downed and Quinn was speaking a mix of English Spanish and Welsh, while Sam was impersonating them badly. If you knew them, it would seem relatively normal, they always joked about, but a fly on the wall could see something else. Lust. A want for connection in such a horrifying time.

With the dark falling outside and the gentle light shining in the room, it was like they were the only two in the world. Just Sam, Quinn and their banter. No home life. No war. Just them in their small but spacious room.

As Sam turned dozy, worn down by the day, she lay beside Quinn, half awake, half asleep. Quinn gently brushed her hair out her face and smiled gently down at their friend, eyes on her lips, overtaken by a drive to kiss Sam. Sam smiled gently at her friend, giving a small nod, feeling Quinn's eyes on her. She needed a distraction from the crazy day she'd had.

Quinn leant down and kissed her gently, straddling her as they did. Sam deepened the kiss and it went from there, a night of lust between friends in a warzone. The escape they needed in the moment.

So.....A little twist in the storyline!

Hope you all liked this chapter!

I know it was short but it was sweet (I hope) and it felt right to end it there, so short chapter it was.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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