I will never do that, love.

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This story contains: Past abusive relationship. 

"I don't see why this is part of the subject," Y/n criticized. Their arms are crossed, and their brows have frowned as she stares at Roseanne sitting at the kitchen table.

Supposedly, Y/n has given Roseanne a task to call the caretaker for the dogs since they'll be going on a road trip to the rocky mountains in Vancouver. Y/n has been prepping for the past few days, and they couldn't even make a phone call without getting distracted by the needed task. But after finding out that Roseanne has done nothing but go shopping and eat has made them more stressed than before. 

"I forgot about it, alright? I'll call them now, so just calm down." Roseanne admitted. 

"Roseanne, I asked you to call them yesterday. Do you know how long it takes for them to confirm their schedule? It might even take until tomorrow when we're supposed to be leaving that day." Y/n complained. At this moment, Y/n is trying to be as calm as possible to prevent themselves from raising their voice. 

"What am I supposed to do? I also do other things, Y/n. I am trying to open up my own schedule for this trip." Roseanne argued. 

"It's one simple call, it won't even take that long," Y/n snapped.

"This is fucking ridiculous," Roseanne whispered. Her hand then lets go of the utensil, causing it to have a loud crash on the plate. She rubbed her temple with her left hand to deescalate her emotions. 

Roseanne didn't notice that Y/n flinched from the loud noise until she heard a shaky breath coming from them. She turned to see them stiff with their hands formed in a fist, and their face showed nothing but fear.

 Roseanne immediately stood up from her seat. Y/n's eyes were still fixated on the utensil that caused the loud noise. "Hey, Hey, whoa, why - what's wrong?" She asked in a low tone. 

That loud noise had brought Y/n back to their past relationship, specifically the one who had caused her pain. Mentally and physically. It's like they are back at that place, where they would argue, and before Y/n protested, they were beaten just because Y/n raised their voice at them. The scenario where Roseanne and Y/n are currently in is exactly how Y/n's past partner stood up and angrily approached them. Y/n knew they were about to meet a painful touch; it could be a shove or a punch. Who knows.

Y/n closed their eyes, then felt both hands resting on their shoulder. They flinch at the feeling, but when they heard Roseanne's voice, they realize that they are not back at that place. They shake and cry in relief to see Roseanne instead of that monster. 

"Oh, baby, please don't cry," Roseanne spoke as she hugged Y/n securely to which they reciprocated.

Y/n could only whimper and shake uncontrollably while Roseanne shushed and hummed to calm her distressed partner. Roseanne still doesn't know why Y/n acted that way, and it was the first to see them that way. However, she didn't want to see them like that again; it was too heartbreaking to witness. Roseanne hums a melody as they both slowly sway. She knew Y/n loves hearing her sing; it was one of their favourite things from her. It calms them and takes them away from reality for a bit.

 The house was now filled with a song instead of disagreements; it was calmness instead of stress. It's filled with love instead of misunderstandings. 

Once Roseanne knew that Y/n is calm, she asked. "Why did you flinch when I touched you?" She patiently waits for Y/n to respond. 

"I haven't told you about it, but, I used to be in a relationship with someone." They answered with a shaky voice. "At first, they were kind and gentle. Not until when we were further in the relationship that they showed signs of aggression. I ignored it until they began hitting me and saying horrible things at me-" They were interrupted by Roseanne hushing them since she heard an uneasy breath from Y/n. 

"When I heard that noise, it reminded me back to it." They continued. "I'm sorry." 

"Shh, you don't have to apologize about anything. I should be the one apologizing. It wasn't even right to act that way." Roseanne said. "I'm so sorry, baby. I made you feel that way." 

"And you're right. I should have done what you asked. You've done a lot for this upcoming trip. We planned this trip to get away from work and stress, but I made you more stressed out, and I'm sorry for that, baby." Roseanne whispered.

"But if I could have approached you calmly, it would have been different. I let my emotions get to me." Y/n said. "I should have told you sooner about my past, but I was scared that you might think I'm weak or-" Roseanne held Y/n's cheek to look at her. 

"Y/n, you are not weak. Telling me about your past experience is the bravest thing you've done. And I'm proud of you for that." Roseanne reassured. "Just know that I will never do that to you, love. I will never make you feel scared or uncomfortable around me. I will only show my love, affection, and security toward you. Your safe with me, my love." They rest on each other's foreheads as they feel a warm feeling they long for. 

"I know, I'm safe with you," Y/n whispered and smiled. Roseanne leaned herself in closer to reach their lips. They kissed so gently like they were on the clouds, and it feel so soft to touch. They embrace each other tightly, not even one dares to let go just yet. But, Roseanne wanted to make up for the argument that she had to let Y/n go. 

"How about this. I'll handle the rest of the trip while you, my darling, can relax or eat because you didn't eat breakfast this morning." Roseanne started. She led Y/n to the chair and made her way towards the kitchen. But before she could do anything, Y/n tugged Roseanne, stopping her at her place. 

"Can you do that later? I just want you here with me." Y/n said. Roseanne smile and bends her knees to level herself with Y/n's eyes. 

"Alright, what do you want to do?" Roseanne asked."Can we cuddle on the couch and watch something? I just think that we should set the plan aside for now." Y/n suggested. Roseanne agreed to the idea, so she held Y/n's hand and led both of them to the living room. 

They lay on the couch with a blanket on top as they watch their favourite shows. They laughed and talked about random things relating to the show. As Roseanne continually talked about what was going to happen in the show, she hears soft snoring on top of her. She did not realize that Y/n has been sound asleep for the past few minutes, but she is glad that her partner is now calm and relaxed.

Roseanne brushed her fingers through the hair that is blocking their face. They look so precious, Roseanne thought that they would think, a slight movement from her would hurt them. 

Hearing her partner open up about their past; Roseanne promises that Y/n is safe in her arms.

One Shot Scenario   》| Rosé x reader |《Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora