"You both have been together for two weeks now?" He asks.

"Yes." It's the truth.

"What about the time he was carrying you out of the club?"

"I did go out with my work friends. Lucas came there too. I got drunk and was nearly molested when he saved me." I tighten my grip on his hand. He assures me back. My eyes meet his and he is looking down at me with such intensity that it takes my breath away. His green eyes are staring so deep into mine. "He has been there for me every day."

Thank you.

You are welcome, Angel!

"I will always be here." He adds. We turn to Papa who is observing our conversation.

"I love her, Mr. Piccolo. We are serious about this." Papa sighs at Lucas's words. "Me and Gemma are only friends. Even she wanted to tell you the same in the hospital when you woke up." That gets Papa thinking. "But we were all concerned about you."

"But Felisa told me that Gemma was interested in marrying you. She told me that you were interested in her too." Papa says. Lucas sighs this time.

"Mrs. Piccolo knows that I like Annabelle. Gemma knows too. Gemma has known that I am interested in her since we were kids." I blush at his words. I can't believe we are telling Papa this. "Gemma doesn't like me that way. You can ask her yourself."

"I would never have been with him if I knew Gemma liked him Papa." I try to assure him. I feel Lucas wince beside me. "I can't..." I can't come between two people! I have seen what it does!

"I know, Bell." As soon as he calls me that, my heart beat slows down. He trusts me! "But Gemma must have told Felisa if she was not interested in you. Why would Felisa say that you both like each other?" Papa asks more to himself than Lucas. I look at Lucas. We both know why. How are we supposed to tell him that? Papa meets my eyes. "Gemma knows too? Who else knows about you both?" He asks.

I look at Lucas and bite my lip. Over the last few days, our secret blew up and everyone is getting to know about us. I glance back at Papa who is waiting for us to answer the question. "My office friends know too. But they only came to know that yesterday." I quickly add and Papa shakes his head.

"Am I the last one to know?" The hurt in his voice is obvious.

"No, Papa. We didn't plan on telling anyone until we told you. That's why we were waiting to keep this relationship to ourselves. I know it doesn't sound like that now, but... I was scared." Confessing that made me realise how scared I actually was.

"Still you should not hide things like this from me, Bell."

"I am sorry-"

"What if we have asked them to get married? The last thing I want for any of you kids is to marry without love! You all should never suffer through that." He sounds angry. His past pain can be clearly seen in his eyes. "I am sorry for not asking you whom you like." He calms down as he speaks. "I always wanted you to be happy, but I didn't even ask if you have anyone in your heart."

"It's okay, Papa-"

"No, it's not. I even sent you on a date with Marcus." He sounds regretful.

"Papa, please. Don't beat yourself up with this. I love you. I know why you did what you did. Marcus is a good man and I know that you wanted me to marry someone like him." Lucas stiffens beside me. "But Lucas is the only one for me. I have always liked him. He is the only one who can take care of me better than anyone else. He is the only one I trust myself with."

Lucas's slips press against my forehead. He puts an arm around my shoulder bringing me closer to his warmth. Papa sees all this.

"Please." My voice is pleading. Papa sighs as he looks at Lucas sternly.

The Possessive DukeWhere stories live. Discover now