Meaning: Pillar Queen
Origin: Greek
Status: Muggle born
Inside: Kind, stubborn, smart and independent.
Outside: Lovly smile, bushy brown hair, over all beautiful.

Meaning: Army ruler
Origin: English
Status: Half-blood
Inside: Kind, determined, selfless and brave
Outside: Jet black hair and brilliant green eyes

Meaning: Consel rule
Origin: English
Status: Pureblood
Outside: fiery red hair and tall

Meaning: Dragon
Origin: Latin
Status: Pureblood
Inside: Clever, misunderstood, amazing and electrifying
Outside: Silvery blond hair and steel grey eyes

And then finally under a drawing I drew under myself I write:

Meaning: beautiful
Origin: Greek
Status: Half-blood
Inside: Unbroken/breaking, nearly mad, cold
Outside: Big ice blue eyes, long golden brown hair, pale skin, tall thin with a small chest and sometimes mistaken as beautiful.

I scan everything over. Harry, Hermione and Ron are named for ruling and at least I know Harry's going to be an army ruler, but I'm called beautiful. Strange, my whole life I am called a freak, monster and an animal. Here, though, it hits me like a electric shock. People calling me beautiful, treating me like a person and they don't even now.
After that we had a little break in between classes and dinner, so I go into my dormroom and cross off one other thing on my list.

- Dont fall in love

It said before I crossed it out.

Hermione was right I liked arithmancy, it also good that I didn't get any homework. I wasn't a big fan of prof. Vector.
In the hallway I heard a bang and ran to see what it was, when I got there I seen a ferret flying across the room and prof. Moody. But I felt Draco and the Death Eater, Bartemus Crouch jr.
I thankfully got there at the same time prof. McGonagall was there. "Prof. Moody!" she said in a shocked voice. She was coming down the staircase with her hands full of books.
"Prof. McGonagall." said the Moody imposter raising ferret Draco higher along with the boilling temperature of my blood.
"What- what are you doing?" she said.
"Teaching." said Moody. That was it, if she didn't realize and stop him I will freeze his wand.
"Teach- Moody is that a student?" she finally shrieked. Books spilling out of her arms.
"Yep." said Moody
"No!" she yelled snapping out her wand transfiguring Draco back to his real body. His hair was messed up and covering most of his pink face. then he got up wincing.
I tuned everyone out, Draco's eyes stinged with pain and humiliation, robes wrinkled up.
Then with out knowing Moody imposter grabbed Dracos arm and pulling him into the dungeon. Sending a surge of hatred into me.
A while after that I met up with Draco, to talk a bit. "Hey." he said smiling an award winning smile. "Hey." I said smiling back. "You Okay?" I asked. His cheeks turned pink. "Yeah, I hoped you hadn't seen that." he said.
When we went to the abandoned outside we resumed to ask questions like from yesterday. "Draco, what's your full name?" I said. "Draco Lusius Malfoy." he said. "What's yours?"
I thought a bit trying to place it in my head. "Calista Crystal Frost." I said not caring if he knows my real last name.
"That's beautiful." he replied smiling. I felt my heart skip a beat When I looked into his eyes. "Calista, what was life like at your old house." he said "In detail."
So then I started "When I was less than one years old a Death Eater named Dolohv and an old man came to my house. My dad gave me up and tried to convince my mom to, too. She loved me to much, though. She was killed. Then the old man injected a potion into the back of my neck," I showed him the snowflake on the back of my neck that looked like veins. "My dad faked my moms death. Said she was ran over by a muggle car.
When I was three I could read any book in the library I wanted. My dad was still nervous even though Voldemort was gone. In the library I would look at family trees, I know most of everybody's name here, who have wizards in there family.
Me and my dad didn't talk much. I don't think he thought I was human any more. I never cried, smiled or I never said 'I love you' to him in my life.
At age 5, Death Eaters told him to bring me to a secret location. So he did, it was the first time I went outside . I said to him 'Why?' he looked puzzled even though I know it was fake. 'You say you loved my mom, but she died to keep me safe and you hate me for it. Why would you give me up when my mom died to keep me safe?' He didn't reply for a while as though he was thinking through it carefully.
'Your mom wasn't supposed to die. She didn't know what she was doing. She didn't know that they weren't going to kill you.' he said but I wasn't done.
'They might as well have, Dont you realize that in there, I'm going to be tortured. I'm going to go insane. But you don't care about my freedom. You don't care about my mother.' he was really mad but didn't say anything the whole way there.
When I got there I was giving up to a Death Eater with a small child around my age that must of been his son.
When I left my dad faked my death, like he did with my moms." I finished not wanting to say that the Death Eater who picked me up was his dad.
"What are some of your fears?" I said lifting my depressing topic for a bit. "The Forbbiden Forest and.......er...... disappointing my father." he replied "You?" I thought about this and said, "Losing my freedom and cars." it was 100% true.
"Cars?" He said flashing a grin. "Cars. I went in one once, you never know what might happen, cars came out of nowhere. So, I opened the door and jumped out." A look of worry waved over him.
"When it was moving?" I nodded. "You can ask me something now." I said as we sat down by our bush near the lake. "What's your birthday?" he said taking my hand.
"October 26th" I said bringing up painful memories. "What's yours?" I say shrugging off my past.
"June 5th," Draco said, "How about we make a deal, for your birthday I give you a kiss?" he added leaning forward. "I promise it's true."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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